˗ˏˋ26: Sophie'ˎ˗

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I was not ready to go back to school after the weekend. I was tired beyond belief because for some reason, Forkle had us do a concert in London on Sunday night, so I was running on half an hour of sleep and about thirty-two ounces of pure caffeine. Even that couldn't cure my tiredness.

I ran face first into Noah while stumbling to my locker. He grabs my arms before I fall over from sheer exhaustion.

"Woah, are you okay?" He asked. Umm, do I look okay? I didn't think so when I was looking in the mirror that morning. I kind of looked like some cross between a zombie and a freshly dead person, where they're all waxy.

"Tired." I mumbled. "Need coffee." Dex turned to look at me.

"No you don't. Don't get her more coffee, she's already had like, ten cups." He told Noah. My boyfriend (can't believe I actually get to call him my boyfriend) laughed.

"Noted. Here, let's get you over to your locker." He had his arm around my shoulders, taking me to my locker and also keeping me from falling over and falling asleep. "There you go. I'll see you in band." He winked as he walked away.

It took me five tries to get my locker open, the numbers blurring together. When I did get it, I felt even more tired. Unlocking a locker took way too much brain power. I was reaching for my books when I noticed a piece of paper that wasn't there before. I unfolded it, seeing what it was.

I'm coming for you.

That's not at all ominous. You know, I would've been really scared if it weren't for the fact that I recognized the handwriting. It was either Fitz's or Biana's, they both wrote like they lived in the eighteen hundreds. So, instead of being ominous, it was quite cute.

"Aww." I said out loud. "Dex, they're trying to prank me! I think I'm officially in the friend group." He looked over at me.

"Really? They haven't tried to prank me yet..." He sounded a little sad, so I did the only thing I knew to do.

"Womp womp." This time he glared at me.

"You're spending way too much time with Keefe."

"Womp womp." He rolled his eyes and walked to the cafeteria for morning announcements. I trudged after him, the excitement from knowing my friends were trying to prank me wore off.

I saw Dex standing with Biana and Fitz so I walked up to them.

"Hey Sophie!" The brunette greeted me. "What's up?"

Hmm, asking me 'what's up.' That's oddly suspicious. Maybe it's her. She's trying to see if I'm scared and if the note concerned me. Well too bad for her, I saw right through her little trick.

"Oh, nothing much. Found this random piece of paper in my locker, something was written on it but the handwriting was just so bad, I had to throw it away, I couldn't even read it." I watched their expressions carefully. I saw some changes, some sadness, maybe a little anger. Yep, it was definitely Fitz's note.

"Shush." Dex put his finger to my lips in the 'shh' way. "Announcements are starting."


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