🥍 Darren (8)

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What did I get myself into? She's not making an attempt to move, but neither am I. I don't know what to do, except just stay here like this. If I'm being honest, I really don't want to move in the first place.

I lean down and say, well, more like whisper, "I told you that it was on, didn't I?" Did she just...shiver? Because of me? That's when I decide now is the best time to loosen my grip.

She slowly turns around, now facing me. I still haven't moved my hands away. I can't. Not right now, at least. My brain is telling me to finally budge, but my body says otherwise.

A smirk grows on her face as she says, "That doesn't mean I can't get you back."

"I'm in for it, aren't I?"


That's when I let go of her and bolt the other direction. I hear her feet hitting the ground as she runs behind me. I can tell she's going as fast as she can to catch up to me. Oh, how I love being tall.

She laughs and yells, "You suck!"

I shout back at her, "Not as much as you!"

When I pivot, she bumps into me, nearly falling. So naturally, I stop her by getting a hold of her arm.

She pouts, saying, "Darn you and your ten feet long legs."

I chuckle and retort, "You can blame my dad for that."

"I will."

She leans her back against a nearby tree and crosses her arms. I find myself doing the same. We stand for a few minutes, saying nothing.

She breaks the silence by saying, "Fun night."

I nod and reply, "Definitely. I know how to make it better, though."


"Come on, follow me back to the car."

We trek back to my car and stop in front of the hood. She looks at me suspiciously. "You'll be able to see the stars better this way. Grab my shoulders." She shrugs and holds on. Then I lift her and set her on the hood. I climb on beside her, watching as her face lights up when sees just how much better the sky looks from here.

     I nag her, saying, "Was I right or was I right?"

She rolls her eyes, chortling. "Okay, okay. I'll admit. You were right." I let out a "whoo!" And throw my hands in the air in victory.

     She claps a hand over my mouth. "Shh! The bears will come after us."

"Oh please. No bear is coming after us. Besides, if it did, we're sitting on a car. We can easily get away fast enough."

"I get that. But what if, I don't know...it jumps onto the car?"

     "I won't let it get to you, I promise."

"Then what would happen to you?"

"Whatever happens, happens." She slaps my shoulder.

"Don't talk like that. I don't need you dead."

"I'm not gonna die. Not anytime soon. Not from a bear, not from a bobcat, nothing. Stop freaking out."


     She lies back and looks at the sky again. While she isn't looking, I take a photo with the moonlight shining down on her. Unfortunately, I forgot to switch the camera mode from "portrait" to "picture", so the camera made a clicking sound. She whips her head around and I smile sheepishly at her. She furrows her brows together. "Did you just take a picture of me?"

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