📸 Helena (3)

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"Fine. Thank you. That's nice to hear, actually." I watch as his face relaxes again. He still hasn't moved his hand from my chin, so I clear my throat. He gets the hint and backs away. "Well, uh. Thanks for the cooperation. Tell the rest they did great today." 
I start to walk off the field when he calls for me. "Helena, wait!" I turn around.

"This interview isn't done."
What's he up to now? "What do you mean?"
"I'm not done. Come with me". He motions for me to follow and we end up sitting on one of the bleachers.

     "My turn. What are your plans?"
Oh. I see."For what?"
"College, duh".
"Oh. Hmm..I was thinking about going to Cleveland as well. I have a photography scholarship lined up for me. Along with my ACT score and GPA, I'm set for the next 4 years."
He's smiling, a genuine smile. "That's pretty epic, Lena."
I send a glare his way. "Sorry, sorry. Why do you hate that nickname anyway?"
"It's just plain weird."
"Oh well. It's still your name to me." I just roll my eyes at that.


Now I'm sitting at my desk, on the phone with Nora, telling her about today's events. "I swear he did. It's so...out of character for him."
"Hmm. Sounds like someone may just like someone else."
"No, listen, the way he didn't hesitate to shield me from that ball. Not gonna lie, he looked kind of hot doing it. Oh! You know how book boyfriends do that wall lean thing, one arm above your head, that whole thing?"

"Yeah." I hear her gasp. "Spill."
"Well, he did that the other day after church. I seriously thought my heart was going to pump out of my chest. He had to know."
"Oh most definitely. He knew what he was doing. I bet he enjoyed every second of it, too." "I enjoyed every second of it, I know that much. He gets on my nerves so bad sometimes, but then he does things like that, that just..." I sigh and lean back in my chair.
I hear her laughing. "I know girl, I know." Then I get another call from a number I don't recognize, although it's a local number.
"Hold on, Nor. I'll call you right back. Might be the college calling me."

I put her on hold and answer the unknown caller. "Hey, Lena." Of course.
"Yes, Dar? Wait, how'd you even get my number?"
"You wrote it on the whiteboard for the team, remember? It's about time I got your number, anyway."
I nearly forgot about that. "Oh yeah. Right. Oops. What do you need?"

"Meet me at the field at eight."
What's up his sleeve this time? "Why?"
"Because it's a Friday night and you need a little fun in your life, that's why."
I know he did not just say that. "I have plenty of fun, thank you very much."
"Riighhtt. Sitting around reading books and drawing all day is so much fun. Just do it, Please?"
I know that if this conversation were in person, he'd be using puppy dog eyes. They work every time. "Fine."


I take a look at our surrounding."Ummm, where are we?" I ask.
"We're at the lake, duh. You're cliff diving with us."
"Uhh, no way. No thanks. Take me back."
He puts in his signature smirk. "Nope." He locks my door before I can get out.
"You're so mean."
"You'll be okay. If it helps you feel any better, Trey and Leon are here, plus Nora."
"I don't trust any of y'all."
"Just one time. If you don't like it, never again. What do you say?"
"I'll try it." It never hurts to try something new once, right?
  "That's what I thought." Smug little thing, him.

Before I know it, we're at the top of the cliff, I'm looking down at the water below. So. Much. Water. Darren places his hand on my shoulder and I look over at him.
He's looking sympathetic. "Hey, I'll go down with you. Or I can go first and you follow. Your choice."
I ponder this for a moment. "Go with me?" He just nods and takes my hand. Is my hand on fire? We count down from 3 and run.
It's not long before I'm at the water and land with a plunk. "That was actually fun. Let's go again."

We spend the next 20 minutes jumping, diving, and doing cannonballs. Each time is just as exhilarating as the last. It helps to have Nora and the others cheering me on.


I'm walking back to Darren's Trailblazer when I realize I didn't bring any extra clothes. We've been out here for 2 hours and Nora's already left and went home 20 minutes ago.
"Uh, Darren?"
He looks at me, seeming to be still exhilarated from the last couple of hours."Hm?"
"You wouldn't have a towel or anything in your car, would you?"
He doesn't even respond and just opens his trunk to a bag full of various clothes. "You thought I wouldn't be prepared? Think again. The two bozos are always forgetting things."
I chuckle, "thanks".
   "They might be a little big, but they'll work". He hands me a pair of sweats and a tee. "No, I'm not looking and yes, I'll shield you from the bobcats' peering eyes."


     I open my eyes and I look around. I'm in front of my house, in Darren's car. I must've fell asleep. "Where's my car? How did you figure out where I live?"
"I checked your license. Plus, I came to a few of your birthday parties when we were younger. Oh, and Trey is behind us in your car, Leon in his. We've got you covered."

     "I really appreciate that."
  I start to get out of the car., but then he grabs my wrist and stops me. "Wait. Just a second."
Oh boy. "What now?"
"Admit that I was right." There he goes being all smug again.
"Alright, fine. You were right and I had fun."
"Good," he lets go, "you can go now."


As soon as I get in bed, I text Nora.
Helena: How dare you leave me alone with him.

Nora: Oops? Not really. Come on, let's be real here. You two look really good together. I'm just giving you both a boost.

Helena: Of course you are. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Night, bestie. <3

Nora: Night, girl. <3


That night, I have a strange dream. I was turning 6, and my mom had invited my entire class to my party.
"You're going to pay for that, mister!" I chase after Darren with a big blob of ice cream on my finger, ready to counter-attack. He's the one who got frosting all over my face.
I catch up to him and spread the ice cream all over his forehead. "Geez, Lena that's cold!"
I stick my tongue out at him, "of course it's cold, it's ICE cream, ding-hat. Learn to stay outta my way!"


HEYYY! Writing this chapter felt a little iffy. Hopefully you enjoyed anyway! ✌🏻

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