📸 Helena (7)

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I'll be honest here. I don't really mind being called Lena. In fact, I think it's kinda cute. However, I gotta keep Darren on his toes, somehow. He definitely keeps me on mine.

Beth comes up to us, away from my Aunt Linda, while she talks to the other church mothers. Then Beth starts jabbering on. "Hey Dar", and Darren smiles at her then crouches down to her level.

"Hey, Beth"

"Are you in love with Hels?"

I turn to her immediately. "Beth, you can't just ask people those things out of the blue."

But Darren keeps smiling. "I wouldn't say I'm in love, but I do like her. I think she's very nice. Besides, I do love her. I love everyone, it's what we're called to do as children of God."

I can't help but grin at that, and he meets my eyes, smiling himself. I know it's a real one by the way the corners of his eyes crinkle up. I make him happy? Good to know. I think. I ask, "You think so?"

He nods. "Absolutely. You let out a light like no other. You inspire me to keep going, keep trying, especially for the Lord."

I cock my head to the side, now smiling from ear to ear. "Really? That's great. It means I'm doing something right."

"You definitely are."

I adjust my camera bag's strap and straighten myself. "I should probably get going. Mom's already in the car. I'm sure I'll see you sometime tomorrow. Bye Darren."

  "See ya, Lena."


     Just like many times before, I'm in my room, at my desk, laptop open. What am I doing? What I'm always doing; Looking over and editing photos. This time, I have to send them to Pastor Joe. He is making changes to the church's Facebook page. Just ten more photos to go. Out of twenty total. This shouldn't be too bad. Even though I'm not exactly feeling it today. However, things have got to be done sometime, so why not now? My phone dings.

Darren: The photos from the game turned out great!
Helena: Yay! I'm so glad you think so.
Darren: Can't wait to see what else you got up your sleeve for the rest of the season.
Helena: You'll just have to wait and see ;).
Darren: :( You're so mean.
Helena: Sorry. Not really.
Darren: You're in for it next time I see you.
Helena: Riigghhtt, Okay. I'm looking forward to what you have planned for me.
Darren: Oh! Speaking of plans...I was thinking we could do something fun again.
Helena: Like you forcing me to go cliff diving?
Darren: Exactly! You remember what I said about having more fun?
Helena: To just chill out every once in a while and take a break?
Darren: Yup. Besides, Pastor Joe doesn't need those photos until Wednesday.
Helena: Are you outside my window or something right now?
Darren: No, I just know how you are. So please, do something with me.
Helena: I guess. What do you have in mind?
Darren: Wait and see.
Helena: Hey! You can't use my own words against me! >:(
Darren: I can and I just did. See you at 8. Oh, and wear a light sweater.

At least he let me know ahead of time how I should dress. Remember what I said earlier about him keeping me on my toes? Right here is your example.


I decided to go with a basic pair of jeans, my Anne Wilson t-shirt, and a my beloved Air Forces. Can't forget my sweater.

I walk around to the passenger side and get in, hollering, "bye ma!" and waving at her. I turn to Darren while buckling in. "Will you please tell me where we're going?"

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