🥍 Darren (6)

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"Oh! I almost forgot," Helena says.
I ask, "Forgot what?"
"The clothes you lent to me, duh. Let me go get them." She starts to stand from her seat.
"Don't bother. They're yours now."
"No, that's your stuff."
"I insist."
Her mother speaks firmly, "Children!" We both turn and look at her. We say simultaneously, "Sorry Mom" and "Sorry Rhonda".
Helena doesn't waste any time going to her room and coming back with the sweats and t-shirt I let her borrow after cliff diving. I blink slowly at her. "You never give up, do you?"
She grins proudly, handing the clothes out to me, before sitting back down. "Nope. Not ever." 
Her mom changes the topic with, "So Darren, did you know she holds Bible Study at the library every Saturday?"
I nod at her. "Yep. I Went this afternoon. She's really good at what she does."
Helena turns her attention to me. "You think so?"
I smile and reply."Absolutely. You've inspired me to pick my Bible up again. When I got home earlier, I read a little bit about Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 37. " A new wave of happiness and pride seems to grow over Helena's face. 
I look at the clock. 8:30 already? Wow. "I should probably get going. I've enjoyed my time here, though. Especially the food. Thank you all."


     I walk through the church doors at 9:50 AM. The first thing to happen is Beth running up to me, hugging me. I chuckle at her, "Looks like someone missed me," and pick her up. She giggles and starts playing with my hoodie strings.
Helena walks over and looks at her sternly. "Don't pull them out again. You know not to do that."

     Beth just sticks her tongue out at her and Helena starts acting offended, right before sticking her tongue out right back at her. There is no doubt that they are cousins. Helena motions for Beth to go to her and follow her, but she just shakes her head no and clings to me more. I try to convince her to let go of me and go to her big cousin, but to no avail.
Helena seems to come up with an idea."Alright then. What do you think about Darren joining us to help me teach your class today?"
Beth loves that idea, nodding her head frantically. I shrug and say, "Then it's settled. I don't mind helping at all."

     I watch in awe as Helena teaches the younger class, all while Beth is in my lap, of course. She refuses to go anywhere else.

     "This is the verse I got today's lesson from. Matthew chapter 28, verses 18 through 20 says, 'And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying; All power is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.' It is important to spread the word of God, and God's goodness. To grow the kingdom.
"It does not matter how young you are. You can do someone, somewhere out in this world, some good by letting them know about his love and mercy. Their entire lives can be changed from one simple act or just a few words. Now, who's ready to color?"
And with that, I let Beth down to go color one of the kingdom coloring sheets with the other kids. As they color, Helena takes out her camera to capture their smiling faces.
I whisper to her, "Good job today" and she nods in appreciation, saying "Thanks" before putting away her camera.


Everyone is outside in the parking lot, saying their goodbyes until the next Sunday comes around. Some make plans for lunch, others talk about church events coming up, among other topics of choice. Helena spooks me a little, coming up behind and beginning to talk without warning.
"Oops, sorry, even if it was funny. But anyway, as I was saying, I never see your parents here. Do they just not want to come?"
I answer her with a sad look on my face. "No. They say God is a waste of time and thought. I do, however, hope to help them see the light and love that's waiting for them, eventually."
"I hope so, too. Good luck, pal." She gives me a pat on the back before walking away with her mom. Ugh, pal. Right, right. 'Cause we're such good pals.


Today is the day. The very first game of the Fall season, and we are starting with a bang. Roann High's Ravens. They are the toughest team to play against. We've beaten them before, and we can do it again. No, we will beat them again.
I spot her, you can guess who, in the very front row of the stands, wearing a Cheetah's t-shirt, the camera positioned and ready. She catches my eye and yells, "Pounce on 'em, Dar!"
And that's exactly what we Cheetahs did. We barely won, but at least we did. And it's all thanks to Leon.
Now I'm out of the locker room, fresh and clean. When I come out, there's Helena showing the photos from tonight's game to Coach Nick.

     So of course I go over to see how they turned out. I peek over and look at them as she scrolls through the camera roll.
Helena says, "All I have to do is a little bit of editing, and you should see some of these in the paper by next week, or even sooner. Only time will tell."
She turns the screen a little more towards me and shows some she got of me. "Yikes. I look like a mess."
"But look how happy you look after we won. Your face is glowing. Even if it is both from joy and sweat." I nudge her shoulder.

     "Oh, hush. Sweat doesn't look good on anyone."
"But that depends on who they are. Some people can pull it off."
"I'm not one of those-." She cuts me off, placing her hand over my mouth. "Don't you dare start. It's time for you to hush."

Did she just? No. She couldn't have been. Unless? Nah. Forget it. She finally removes her hand and I feel like I can breathe again. I keep looking at the photos. "Oooo. The shot with the ball almost into the stick, mid-air. Cool shot. And you're sure this is your first time shooting these games?"

     She blushes a little. "Yes, I'm sure. I've played around with photography since I was maybe 7 years old. Of course they're going to be good."
"Okay then, Mrs.Ego." She glares at me.
I smirk and say, "I could be calling you Le-" and she cuts me off once again.
"Don't do it."
I grin and do what I do best. Aggravate her. "Lena." Helena rolls her eyes at me. I like to think she pretending to hate that nickname.

Helloooo! This one was a good one to write. What do you think about her Sunday School lesson? See ya! 🫡

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