📸 Helena (1)

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I feel my comforter get yanked off of my bed. "Mom", I whine.
She just rolls her eyes at me and says,"You shouldn't have stayed up so late then. School starts in 25 minutes. Hurry."
"Fine, fine. I'm getting up. But you know how important it is that I make those pictures look good. Some of them are going in the yearbook."
"I know, honey, I get that."
I make my way towards my locker. That's when I spotted him. Darren Hall; Captain of Mariam High's lacrosse team. He's unfairly gorgeous, but can be very...peculiar at times, so to speak.
I believe all he's good for is getting to me. I keep my distance, and he keeps his...most of the time. I think that sometimes he talks before he thinks. I'll admit, I do the same thing, just not a whole lot.
I turn away to open my locker. I soon hear a guy clearing his throat, then recognize the familiar clacking of the boots he always wears.
  "What do you want?", I grumble jokingly and finally turn around to face him. He had that awful smirk on his face.
"You ready to get some beautiful shots of my face?"
"I'd rather watch paint dry on a wall". I grab my English journal. "Ouch, Wright. That was harsh. You should be warmed up to me by now."
"In your dreams, dingus." I start walking to class.
"And here I was thinking you were
nice. You teach Sunday school for crying out loud!". I chuckle at him and keep walking.
There's 30 minutes left of class. All my work is finished. What do I do? What I do best. I get to work doing the final touches on my photos and send them to Nora Platt, head of school paper and the yearbook team.
She's also my best friend in the entire world. She is the one who oh, so graciously picked me for taking lacrosse team home game photos, and getting a few words from them while I'm at it. I would've refused if it didn't bring college scholarship opportunities. Guess I better get to learning about lacrosse.
So that's exactly what I do for the next 10 minutes. I Google the basic rules, team positions, etc, and save the information to my phone.
"I see you're becoming dedicated to this, Blondie". You can guess who that came from.
"If it's gonna take some money off of my tuition, you can guarantee I'll put one hundred and ten percent into it."
"Classic Lena, of course, you are." I send him a glare. I've told him over and over not to call me that, he's the only one that does. He still does it anyway. We have an...interesting dynamic to say the least.

Hi, hello. Welcome to my first book. Yes, I know this first chapter/part is very short, but oh well. My writing is pretty rough if you can't tell. I hope you enjoyed this first part. Yes, this book is going to be very cliche, I don't care. I have high hopes for it. Welp, until the next chapter. 🫡

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