Chapter 26: Crazy.

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eva walked out of her room in a cropped shirt and booty shorts confidently singing but stopped when she saw me.

"wow amazing singing" i complimented sarcastically.

she gave me the middle finger.

"whatever. what are you still doing here anyway?" her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"i woke up late and i have work" i pouted.

"eventful day yesterday, huh" she snickered.

too tired to even say anything i just let my lip tilt up as i thought back to yesterday with harley.

it was so amazing. shes just so gorgeous and her reactions-

if i didn't stop thinking about it now I'll only get myself all worked up again.

"you should get up if you have work. arent you late already?" eva's voice tuned in.

"my boss is my girlfriend. shouldnt i get special treatment or something?"

"whatever you say" she started the blender making me flinch.

i dragged myself up from the sofa that i migrated to when i did finally get out of bed earlier. i went to my bathroom and started to get ready.

"where are you?" maven's voice emitted from the speaker of my phone as i dropped my purse into my passenger seat.

"getting in the car"

"you arent already on your way over here? your late as it is, veronica"

my face twisted for a moment. damn, who pissed in her cheerios this morning?

"im sorry i didnt-"

"yes, your my girlfriend but your also my employee. people will get suspicious. you'll be let off with a warning but dont let it happen again, veronica"

damn. i was actually speechless. first a terrible start to my morning now this? my day isnt looking too good for me.


she hung up.

what the fuck-

i huffed and got into my car, slamming the door shut and starting the engine. i shut down any music not even in the mood.


my office phone began to ring making me pause on the paper work i was filling out.

"hello?" i answered professionally. i wiped at my eyes tiredly and glanced across my room.

"veronica? please come to my office for a minute"

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