Chapter 14: Strawberry.

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"this pie is really good!" veronica moaned, devouring her second piece of pie already.

i had been finished mine but was too full to even get another slice.

harley chuckled, "i think we can tell"

"was this homemade or store bought?" she glanced at the both of us while taking another bite of her pie almost at the crust now.


she looked surprised, "really? who made it?"

i pointed over to harley "shes the one who likes to bake"

"so what do you like to do if she bakes?"

"... i like to eat what she bakes" i looked at harley for help but she was only soundlessly laughing at my awkwardness.

"oh ... nice"

i glanced down at her plate to see it was empty minus the crumbs then to her face and saw some pie smeared just below her bottom lip.

"your just a messy eater huh?" i scooted closer and lifted my hand to show her i wanted to get it off. veronica nodded her head with an embarrassed look.

"nothing to be embarrassed about, it happens" i cooed softly taking her face into my hand, slowly wiping away the sweet desert. our eyes caught onto each other.

"it cant be helped can it?" harley tilted her head when they looked at each other once we pulled back.

veronica only blushed looking at both of us through shy brown eyes.

"my sister asked you a question love i think its best you answer her" i said while wiping off my thumb.

"yeah.. it happens" she finally breathed out, turning so her back was facing me.

since she was busy looking at harley i crept forward and wrapped my arms around her waist making her body jerk a little from getting startled. i rested my head lightly on her shoulder.

"is it okay if i do this?" i whispered into her ear not missing the slight tremor of her body.

reaching up i pulled her hair away from her neck and pressed a slow gentle kiss against the skin, taking in the smell of her delicious strawberry scented perfume or lotion before pulling back just as slow.

"was that okay too?" i ask again almost tempted to do it once more but wanting to hear her first.

"yes" the shakiness in her voice didnt go unnoticed by me and harley both which is why we looked at each other with the same hunger.

i pressed another kiss just below her ear being careful of her earring so i wouldnt get poked. with my hand still resting against her stomach i suddenly felt it clench.

"what about if i kiss you?" i faintly heard harley asked kind of too focused on sucking below her ear. i felt her nod though.

i was almost jealous at the fact that harley would be kissing her first but it didnt matter since the low moan she let out was enough to satisfy me.

"your a good kisser love" i said after some time of placing hickies behind her ear. it was somewhere hidden because although we were in the moment i wouldnt want her to get mad i left marks without her permission. "had practice?"

i played with the hairs on the bottom of her neck as i stared at the side of her face watching the way her eyes clenched tighter as her lips smacked against harley's. they barely even pulled back for a breath causing her to breath harshly through her nose.

a small strained noise came from the back of her throat which i doubt meant anything. "im sure you did" i said anyway. "practice for us i assume?" my delusions.

i kissed her neck one more time when they suddenly pulled back. veronica let out a loud gasp while harley rubbed her finger across her own lips.

they stared at each other in the eyes. veronica gulping, harley smirking.

"your chapstick taste like strawberry" harley said with her voice sounding raspy.

"really?" i asked. i grabbed her chin and turned her face toward me wasting no time slamming our lips together.

she let out a startled sound but tried to keep up as i sucked on her bottom lip faintly tasting strawberry but most of it was all gone.

her lips were smooth, soft and just so fucking kissable. id do it all the time if she would let me.

shoving my tongue past her precious lips i tasted the pumpkin pie on her tongue taking my time to enjoy it.

soon i pulled away from the kiss. veronica didnt even try to keep herself up as she lazily laid her head on my shoulder trying to breathe.

me and harley looked at each other, nodding then i pulled back to coax veronica into sitting up.

"is the night ending here or.."

"fuck no" there was no hestation in her words making me snicker. "come on the bedroom isnt going to come to us"

"we could always do it on the table" harley suggested playfully.

"or the floor. im never too good for rough floor sex" i added.

"table? floor? who do you two think i am? bedroom, now"

"oh she demands?" i looked at harley with raised eyebrows.

"is that what she did? that was equivalent to a puppy growling" my sister chuckled.

before i could say anything veronica started standing. "i could always go home and play with myself... you two are the ones missing out" she took a step as if she was going to walk away but i yanked her into my lap.

i laughed mirthlessly, "yeah you arent doing that sweetheart"

[i know i asked yall if yall want bottom or top intersex to which everybody said bottom.. that'll come i know what im doin just wait 👀]

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