Chapter 6: Explain.

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"finally done" i mumbled to myself as i looked at the labeled files spread across my desk.

a relieved sigh escaped my lips and i pulled open my file cabinet, putting the files in there by alphabetical order. these were only the paper ones. i still have files to organize online but veronica can tackle that tomorrow.

for now, my ass hurt from sitting down all day along with my fingers cramping at the typing i had to do.

i stood from my chair immediately popping my back and letting out a loud relieved groan at doing so.

at twenty-six i have the back of my eighty year old grandma.

huffing i grabbed my satchel, throwing it over my shoulder then pushing my chair in. i shut off the lights and left my office, locking the door behind me then double checking that i did so.

the entire building was empty with only me being in it due to working overtime. i was tired and ready to sleep, starving too since i worked through lunch.

i have never worked this much in my entire career.

i exited the building and locked it with my keys. i pulled on the door just to be sure it was actually locked when i heard the sound of a door shutting then tires rolling.

i turned around with confusion when i saw my new assistant smiling while looking down at her feet.

"veronica" i called out with confusion. she looked up shocked and slightly scared from me surprising her.

"uh yeah" she gave a tiny smile.

as she walked closer to me i looked down at her taking note that shes shorter than what i remember from this morning.

"what are you still doing here?" i questioned curiously. she seemed nervous under my stare making my lip twitch at the thought.

"i came back for my car. your sister just dropped me off" she pointed back to where the car she got out of left.

she went to hang out with harley?

"oh" my lips folded. "seems like you had quite a good time"

"yes, shes cool to hang out with but um.. i should get going. its already really late and i dont like to drive too late"

"right... plus you dont want to wake up late for tomorrow"

"that too" she agreed. "its nice seeing you again ma'am"

"maven" i reminded, "it was nice seeing you too. have a good night, veronica"

she repeated my words with a smile and walked off to her car. i waved at her when she got in then looked up at the sky.

it wasnt too dark as the moon illuminated some light along with the few stars that made themselves known by sparkling.

i gripped my satchel and walked to my own truck that i was gifted from my dad when i turned twenty-one.

i couldve paid for it by myself since my company was going so well that year but he surprised me with it before i could pay for it myself. i cherished my truck ever since then.


the sound of my phone ringing was loud throughout my truck. as i was going to press the red buttom since it was seeming like no one was going to the answer the phone- my sister finally picked up.

"hello?" she huffed sounding out of breath.

"what are you doing?" i questioned vaguely, eyes hyperfocused on the road but still listening out for her response.

"i was getting my clothes for a shower so i was in the other room-"

"no with veronica" the words flowed from my lips before i could stop, not really meaning to actually interrupt her but wanting to get to the point more quickly.

silence filled my car and i looked down at the call to see if it was still going.

"nothing" harley finally said.

"so convincing" i quipped sarcastically. "hanging out with her? really? shes technically your assistant too harley"

"i know that. i can be friends with my employee's, though"

"and yet, you arent. even though its not illegal its not right. you shouldnt string her on-"

"oh shut up its not even like that" harley scoffed.

"so tell me whats its like" my voice dripped with annoyance at the fact that she wasnt trying to see where i was going with this.

"i dont have to explain myself to you" beep.

i glanced at my phone with shock. did that brat just hang up on me?

i shook my head but didnt try to call her back instead focusing on the road as i let myself fall into a conversation that was going on within my head.

opening the door to my small two bedroom home, i released a large huff and carefully placed my satchel on the floor since my personal work computer was in it along with my shoes.

today was a tad bit draining and now im ready for a good take-out meal, steaming hot shower to relax my tense muscles then a trip to dreamland under my freshly washed covers.

i glanced around my home loving how nice and comfy it was. me, my mother and harley really outdone ourselves with designing the place. dad helped with the shelves thats all.

he was practically useless when all he did was annoy mom. i laughed a little at the memory, remembering how she popped him when he kept poking her.

"austin richards, leave me alone before i do something i wont regret" she scolded and he immediately sat down without another word.

me and harley just laughed at their antics and continued to paint my walls a light gray.

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