Chapter 1: Family.

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"harley dear, bring me the biscuits from the oven please!" mom shouted from the kitchen to my sister who sat next to me.

i looked away from my phone to harley who jumped to her feet as if someone told her she'd won a million dollars and scurried off to help mom with cooking breakfast for us.

you'd think at the tender age of twenty-five, co-owning one of the top ten largest companies in the U.S, and being a author to plenty erotic books that have gone out of stock multiple times she'd stop being a mommy's girl, wrong.

i couldnt do anything but shake my head at my sister then look back to my phone.

i guess it was never much of a big deal for me to please mom as it was for harley since i may be considered a 'daddy's girl'.

ive always loved going with him to do things he would with a son- fishing, hiking, camping. you name it, ive done it with him.

growing up i did boyish things such as dressing like a boy and even cut my hair down like a boy. maybe its because i have a dick that i felt the need to be tomboyish and hang out with my dad to give him the son he never had, or will have because my mom got her tubes tied after harley.

later on i realized im not a boy, im a woman that has a dick. dont get me wrong im still masculine just.. a tiny bit less.

a smack was landed to my arm causing me to hiss and quickly move away from the offending hand.

"mom called you three times. its time for breakfast" harley said with a gleeful smile as if she didnt just hit me.

i stood up from the sofa, dusting my white tee off and following after the cheerful girl known as my sister.

"what's got you so hyper today?" i asked. i picked up a plate and started grabbing my food.

"im visiting the office today!" harley grinned.

"and..?" was that supposed to answer my question? im still confused.

"nothing. im going to see a special someone thats all" she clapped her hands excitedly then turned away to put a golden brown biscuit on her plate.

i looked at the back of her head with suspicion but shrugged it off as her being a weirdo. whats new?

i finished packing my plate with food then sat beside harley at the table, across from me was mom but dads chair was empty.

"dad?" i question and scoop up a spoonful of my eggs then shoving it into my mouth.

"he has some last minute things to do at work" mom said but then her eyes grew wide with excitement when we heard the front door make a beeping sound that echoed throughout the house letting us know someone was coming in. "there he is"

i found that their love for each other, even after thirty years of being together, is cute. sure they had their few fair shares of break up's but it never lasted for more than two weeks as they'd miss each other way too much.

im happy to say me and harley grew up in a stable household.

"hello ladies" dad greeted in his natural deep voice with a smile. we all greeted him back and mom got up to make his plate but he gently told her he could do it himself.

"how was work dad?" harley was the first to ask.

"same old. hows the business going? the books?"

"fine. i just recently published a new book and it sold out as soon as it hit the shelf but more copies are being put up as we speak" she shared back happily.

"thats good. im proud of you" dad praised with a grin.

"even though the books are about what they are..." mom says looking trauamtized. i snorted while harley let out a whine.

"i told you not to buy a copy but you just had to be a stubborn woman"

"i wanted to support my baby but darling, in the first chapter? seriously?" she shuddered with disgust. dad laughed at that.

"if it wasnt written by my baby girl it wouldve been a enjoyable book but i couldnt past the fact that it was written by you" he shrugged, making his way over to the table where mother pulled out his seat. "thanks, love. and you maven? the business?"

"its going fine. my employees are really competitive as we are almost in the top five largest companies we just need to work a little harder. im also in need of a new assistant" i informed him.

"what happened to your last?"

"she never did any work and my files were all a mess i could hardly look for what i needed. she never informed me when something was supposed to be done in a specific day so i'd end up missing the deadline. i had to let her go. our partners were starting to see me as unreliable"

"its good you let her go then dear" mom said, cutting elegantly into her syrupy pancakes like a queen would. "you dont need someone like that helping you"

"yes! and as co-owner i am finding you a new assistant soon, one thats more helpful and has had experience as a assistant" harley exclaimed.

"thanks" i mumured.

soon the room grew quiet as we enjoyed our meals with little conversation being held here or there but nothing long lasting. we just wanted to enjoy our time together as a small busy family.

i slowly smiled to myself. i love the days like these.

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