Battered and bruised

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We checked his home address, but he wasn't home. There was a book about rabies and some rodents, but the worst thing was the photographs of his younger brother when he had rabies. Thanks to a throwaway comment from Spencer about Henry, JJ realized why they couldn't find a death certificate for the younger brother, because the parents had killed him at home to end his suffering.

We now found ourselves standing outside a park where a woman had just been shot by Derek. She had been infected with rabies and had been attacking people, so he had no choice, but I could see the sadness in his eyes. He didn't want to have to hurt her, and I don't even know if she will be able to recover from the rabies.

"Her family's been notified. They're gonna meet her at the hospital." Spencer said as we watched them load her into the ambulance.

"There's nothing they can do for her, huh?" Derek asked

"Comfort measures, but that's about it." Spencer replied as we walked over to the others.

"We can't be far from where he's holding them hostage. She was on foot." Rossi said

"But in her state, how in god's name did she escape?" Alex asked

"Reid, where are we in relation to his hunting ground?" Hotch asked

"Right in the middle of it." Spencer said

Hotch's phone beeped and Penelope began to talk. "At your service sir."

"Garcia, we're trying to figure out what kind of building or property the UnSub might be using. What do you see in a five-mile radius of our current position?" Hotch asked

"A lot of stuff. What am I looking for?" Penelope asked

"Anything isolated or industrial." Hotch said

"Ah, it's mostly residential, single family homes, apartment buildings, stuff like that." Penelope said

"What about abandoned properties?" Hotch asked

"Not per se, but people don't usually give notice when they do that. Let me see if there's any condemned. No, nothing." Penelope said

"What about properties for sale?" Derek asked

"Let's see, one, two...six homes for sale. All of them occupied. An apartment building for sale, also occupied. It looks like the city is selling some land." Penelope said

"What's there?" Rossi asked

"Hold yourself. It is at...hello. It's an animal shelter, but it's shut down due to budget cuts." Penelope said

"That could be it, send the address." Derek asked

"Done and done. Please be careful." Penelope said


I adjusted the strap on my bullet proof vest as we stood outside the animal shelter. I could hear the sound of dogs barking, but I'm unsure as to whether it is coming from inside or the neighborhood nearby, but the sound did sound too loud for it to be from down the street.

"All right. SWAT's still five minutes out." Derek said after getting off the phone

"All right, we can't wait. We'll go in in two groups. Well go in this door, you guys take the west door down the alley. Let's go." Hotch said. Hotch, Rossi and Alex went off in one direction while Spencer, Derek, JJ and I went over to the other door down the alley.

I pulled my gun out of my holster as we went around the building and entered through the side door. Derek took the lead as he held his flashlight to light the way for us. We then heard shouting and fighting from down the hall, causing us to pick up the pace.

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