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The warm air was nice on my skin, it was warm enough to not have to wear a jumper, but not so hot that I was melting. A slight breeze was blowing through my hair and there were bright green trees scattered all around. It would have been a nice place to be if we weren't giving our profile, and that we were laying in wait for our Unsub.

"As you all know, Eddie Lee Wilcox is armed and dangerous." Rossi began

"He's also smart and criminally sophisticated. He knows police procedure and how to use it." JJ said

"He's flush with cash from his robbery in Chicago, but he'll try to maintain a low profile. So he may resort to his robbery skills at some point." Spencer said

"Eddie's a car thief and he's a good one." Derek said

"So he'll switch vehicles often. He was last seen in a Chevy minivan, but we do not count on him being in it for long." JJ said

"So, canvass crowded parking lots and malls. That's most likely where he'll ditch cars and find new ones." Derek said

"We've been calling this a child abduction, but Eddie's daughter Samantha may actually be an unwilling participant." Rossi said

"We know she wanted to run away from home, and her father's somehow taking advantage of that." I spoke up

"This guy's evolved into a sociopathic spree killer, and he's got the ego of a career criminal. So there's no telling how far he'll go to save himself." Derek said

"That ego may be feeding a sort of pipe dream, that if he does escape, he may actually get to have a healthy relationship with his daughter." Rossi said

"A relationship he believes was taken from him." JJ said

"But when reality sets in, his dream will be shattered, and that's when Samantha will be in the most danger." Alex said

"The majority of these cases end in either murder/suicide or suicide by cop." Spencer said

"Up to this point, we've been reacting to him, but the roadblocks and the media blitz are set up to make him react to us." JJ said

"So if you spot him, call for backup and proceed with extreme caution. He's probably sleep deprived and irrational." Derek stated

"The closer we get, the more dangerous he becomes." Rossi stated, finishing the profile that was being given to the police.


It had been about twenty minutes since we had finished giving the profile, we were now having to wait for the Unsub to show up. I was scrolling through my phone on a plastic seat beside Spencer Reid. He had a book open in front of him and his sunglasses on, trying to read the pages without the sun hurting his eyes.

I smiled and laughed softly at the picture that had been sent to me. Echo was lying upside down, holding his favorite soft toy between his paws. Spencer glanced over at me curiously, wondering what I had laughed at.

I held up my phone for him to see, showing him the picture. "That's my dog, Echo."

Spencer smiled brightly at the image. "He's adorable."

"Yeah, he is." I said with a smile as I turned my phone back to me, sending a quick message back to Bella, my dog sitter.

"This guy's not coming." Derek said as he approached the two of us

"Mmm. We really haven't been here that long." Spencer said

"Yeah, but if he wanted to make a run for the border, he'd have been caught in the net by now." Derek said as he sat down on the table in front of us.

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