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"Okay, so, what's your new team like?" Bobby asked as she held up her glass of wine and took a sip.

"It's good. They are all so nice, and It's actually nice to get to stay in one country for once." I said as I lent on the small round table in the corner of the bar.

Bobby and I had decided it was time for us to catch up since she was in town for a little while, and we had both bickered over who got to sit facing the door, still trying to protect each other from unknown threats.

"That's good, the team misses you. Not as much as Jake from the fourth floor does." She smirked

"Oh, come on." I said with a laugh, shaking my head.

"What?" She feigned innocence, laughing along with me.

"Nothing happened between Jake and I, I hardly ever spoke to the guy." I said

"I know. But he really liked you." She said with a shrug. "And...speaking of, are there any cute guys in your new team?"

"Really? They're my coworkers." I said

"And? It's not against the law." Bobby said with a shrug

I sighed and shook my head, what was even more frustrating was my mind immediately wandered to Spencer Reid. I couldn't lie, he was attractive, with his high cheekbones and doe brown eyes.

"There is someone." Bobby said with a teasing smile, her brows raising in amusement.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, feigning innocence

"Yes you do, come on, spill." She prompted

I sighed to myself and shuffled closer, like I was expecting one of my team members to suddenly appear and overhear me. "Look, I guess if I had to say it, there is one team member."

"Oh?" She asked, leaning in across the table.

"Yeah." I said with a nod

"Well? What's his name?" She prompted, evidently not wanting to let it go.

"Spencer Reid. He's a doctor, and the smartest guy I have ever met." I said

Bobby pulled out her phone. "Okay, Spencer Reid. You don't mind if I stalk his socials, do you?"

"You won't find anything. Spence doesn't really use social media, or email, or technology." I said with a shrug

"Who doesn't use social media? What does he do in his free time?" Bobby asked

"Read, research, watch science fiction shows and point out the scientific inaccuracy." I explained vaguely

"So he's smart smart, huh?" She mused

"You could say that." I said with a smile. "He does have an eidetic memory."

She gave me a look that had me furrowing my brows in confusion. Before I could ask her what it was about, my phone pinged. I pulled it out of my pocket to see a message from Garcia, alerting me to a new case.

"I hate to cut this slightly awkward conversation short, but duty calls." I said as I stood up from my chair. Bobby of all people would understand why I had to go.


"Beantown has turned into chokeville. Three victims, all males, wallets stolen." Penelope said as she pulled up the pictures onto the smart screen.

"The UnSub uses a garrotte to strangle his victims. He strikes at night and there have been no witnesses." Hotch said

"How much did he get?" Rossi asked

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