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My eyes slowly opened as I stirred from sleep. The first thing I felt was relief, I hadn't had another nightmare, my dreams were normal for once, well, as normal as a dream can be. The second thing I felt was the arm that was wrapped around my waist. I looked down to see an arm thrown across me, and quickly recognised it to be Spencer's. My back was pressed up against his front as he held me.

I turned my head slightly to see that he was still asleep. I felt my cheeks heat up and my heart grow warm as I stayed still, simply allowing myself a moment to enjoy it. My stomach fluttered in a pleasant way, and the pressure in my chest deepened. It felt comforting, domestic even.

I didn't know what to do, whether to wake him up or pretend to be asleep until he woke up. My decision was taken from me when Spencer began to stir. I turned my head and closed my eyes, waiting to see what he will do when he's awake. Spencer groaned gently and tightened his grasp on my waist, before he seemingly froze up.

He took a moment, I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head. He kept his hand where it was for a few moments. He sighed before he finally spoke, causing me to jump slightly.

"I know you're awake." Spencer said into my ear. I fought back the shiver that threatened to run down my spine at the sound of his morning voice so close to my ear, it was deeper than his usual tone.

"Damn profilers." I huffed lightly

"You're a profiler." Spencer pointed out. He then gently pulled his arm away and shuffled back, giving me space that he thought I wanted. "I'm sorry. I-I don't know how that happened."

I rolled over to look at him. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were flush as he ran a hand through his tousled curly hair. "Don't be. I slept well for the first time in a month."

"Good. That's good. Can I use your bathroom?" Spencer asked

"Course." I said with a nod. He climbed out of bed and headed into my bathroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. While part of me felt flustered and almost giddy, the other part of me felt guilty. I worried that Spencer wasn't comfortable with what happened, and if that was the case, I don't think I would be able to forgive myself.


Spencer had to leave earlier than I did so he could go back to his apartment and get dressed, not wanting to show up to work in the same clothes he was wearing yesterday. So I had to travel to work alone, as I usually do. I felt well rested for once, which was nice, but I suspect that the nightmares will be back again tonight.

The entire team, minus Penelope and Derek, were all in the debrief room. Spencer was sitting beside me, I kept shooting glances at him, but the minute he would look back at me my eyes would dart away like I had been scolded.

"So where's Garcia and Morgan? Are they finally having that love child?" Rossi asked in a joking tone as he took a seat. The moment he said that, Derek walked into the room behind him.

Derek placed his hand on Rossi's shoulder. "Heard that."

"Busted." Rossi said quietly

"Uh, Garcia's taking some personal time." Hotch said

"Is everything okay?" JJ asked

"I hope it wasn't those burritos we had yesterday." Kate said worriedly

"No, she's fine. Keven Lunch will be presenting the case." Hotch said

"Hiya. Hi. Sorry." Keven said with a wave as he walked into the room

"Where we going?" Spencer asked cheerfully

"Seattle, Washington. Over the past few weeks, two gentlemen between the ages of 35 and 40 have been killed, both with radically different MOs." Keven said

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