Never let me go

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Penelope had been working the case on her laptop as she sat in a chair on the other side of Spencer's bed. She had found that Danah had a son in the city, and had sent the information to the team. She had then decided to go and get some water with a jug, leaving Spencer and I.

He had finished his Jello and taken a hold of my hand again. I hadn't expected him to want to hold my hand so much, but I wasn't complaining. Holding his hand was a comfort to me, reminding me that he was okay.

"You called me pretty." Spencer suddenly said out of nowhere.

I let out a laugh that almost sounded nervous. "You remember that?"

"Yeah." Spencer nodded with a small smile

"It's what Derek calls you." I said with a shrug, trying to deflect.

"You're not Derek, though...Did you mean it?" He asked

"Yes." I admitted, deciding there is no point in hiding the truth from him.

Before either one of us could say anything else, Penelope swiftly walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Her eyes were wide with fear and she looked rattled. My brows furrowed in concern.

She then pulled her phone up to her ear. "Okay, I did that. Now what?" She asked.

I listened to her conversation in confusion, not understanding what was happening. She hung up after a moment, it was hard to understand what was happening when I couldn't hear the other side of it.

"Pen? What's going on?" I asked

She quickly walked over to the side of the bed with a wide eyed expression. She held her phone out to show me a picture of a police officer. "This guy is an UnSub, he's here and he wanted to kill Reid. We have to get him in the wheelchair and get out of the building."

My heart jolted painfully in my chest. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. I can't bear it anymore, he was only just out of danger, and now he was going to be thrown back in it again. I felt a range of different emotions, underneath all of the fear was rage. I wanted this guy dead. This was his fault.

I let go of Spencer's hand and stood up from my chair with a surge of faux confidence. I couldn't control what happened when Spencer was shot, I'm not a medic, but I could control this. This is something I know how to do. I readied myself, trying to push down the rush of fear and concern I felt for Spencer, and crossed the room to his wheelchair.

I pushed it over to the side of his bed and together, Penelope and I aided him out of the bed and into the chair. My hands were wrapped around his back and shoulder as he clutched his neck in pain. Once he was settled in the chair the best he could be, Penelope grabbed onto the handles and I opened the door, going out first.

I crept down the hallway ahead of them, making sure that the cop wasn't there. I caught sight of him down another hallway on the phone. His back was facing us, so I beckoned for Penelope to push Spencer past the corridor. I walked behind them and pulled the fire alarm on the wall as I went. We walked with the crowd as everyone tried to evacuate, hopefully we will lose him in the chaos.


We succeeded in evading the cop, and Spencer was finally back in his bed again. I pulled the covers over him as I perched on the edge of his bed. He looked exhausted, he definitely needed to sleep. I could use some sleep too, the adrenaline that I kept feeling was making me exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Penelope asked him from the other side of his bed

"Yeah. I'm just really tired." Spencer replied

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