All Hallows Eve

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I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as rain poured heavily onto our heads. When we had arranged our date, we hadn't been anticipating a thunder storm to strike while we were in the restaurant. Luckily the book store he had wanted to go to was just across the street, so it hadn't been too challenging to get to, but getting back to his car would be a bit more tricky.

"Please, take my jacket." Spencer said as he pulled it off of himself and held it out for me.

"What about you?" I asked him over the heavy rain

"I'll be okay. You're more exposed in your dress." He insisted.

I reluctantly gave in and took his jacket from him, sliding my arms into the sleeves. It was too big for me, considering how tall Spencer was, but I felt a little warmer. Whether that was due to the jacket or the gesture, I don't know.

The sign of four by Arthur Conan Doyle was tucked away in Spencer's bag as well as the entire shadow and bone series. Spencer had decided it was a book I should read. I had bought him the entire series because it wouldn't take him very long to get through them all.

He had tried to insist that he didn't need me to spend so much on him, but he had paid for dinner and bought me flowers, so it was the least I could do. I couldn't stop the wide smile that sat on my face. I feel like a giddy school girl, it's been a long time since I've felt like this.

During dinner, Spencer had asked if we could keep us a secret, at least for a little while. Not forever, but he didn't want to tell the team just yet. It felt weird that I would have to lie to my friends, but I understand why he wouldn't want them to know just yet. 

After what happened to him with Meave, and what happened to Hotch's ex wife, Hayley, I don't blame him for wanting to keep it a secret for a while. I can read him well, and I know he is afraid of something like that happening to him again. And if there is one thing I don't want, it's for him to feel fear in our relationship.

Now the biggest challenge for me will be to not act like we have gone from friends to lovers. I have to act like nothing has changed between us in front of the team. I have to act exactly as I always do around him, and I thought it would be easy.

I finally made it to my car and quickly got inside, my breathing was shallow from the freezing rain and everything was soaked. My hair, my skin, my clothes, Spencer's jacket. I let out a laugh, as did Spencer, who was just as soaked as I am.

Spencer then reached forward and brushed a piece of wet hair from my face. I smiled lightly, noting the soft look in his eyes. He then lent closer, his eyes flickering between my own eyes and my lips. I closed the distance and pressed my lips to his. I practically melted into the kiss as his lips moved against mine.

My hand ran up into his wet hair, and then his phone beeped loudly. We both pulled back with a start, and Spencer pulled his phone out of his pocket. He sighed as he read the message.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him

"We have a case." He said with a small huff

"Cant serial killers take a break for once." I said with a sigh, causing him to smile lightly.

"Tell me about it." He chuckled lightly

"Could you drop me off at home first? I don't want to show up to work dressed up and wet." I asked him

"Of course." Spencer nodded with a smile. He then started up the car, and I felt very grateful that the heating was already turned on. I hadn't been expecting Spencer to drive us, but he had insisted on it.


Sitting beside Spencer at the round table was challenging. We had just been on a date and now I had to pretend that nothing had happened. Thunder crackled loudly outside as the rain continued to hammer down from the dark clouds.

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