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I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy, opening another beer as I settle down on the sofa for the night all I can think about is Nate sleeping in her room. Confusion swirls around my head because I know that I shouldn't be jealous, it's not like I want to trade places, I'm starting to realise that I still see Skylar the way I always used to; as my best friend, I don't think anything could change that.
I know this feeling in my gut, it's instinct to protect her, when she called Nate's name followed by mine in her dream it was like ice water down my spine, after all this time it was Nate she called to first. If I didn't know better I'd say those two were fated to find each other, even without my connection.

Leaning back I take a moment to close my eyes and think over the events of the last few days, my plans are in shreds and now I have no idea how long I have left to keep her safe. Everything feels out of control now and I don't know what I can do to fix it, I feel useless and I can't even gets things moving without Nate to speed up this witch of his.
I'm pretty certain they are both asleep now but I need Nate to talk this through, we need to get the plan locked down if we are going to get ahead of this and keep her safe.

Slowly opening the bedroom door the creaking of the hinges is enough to wake a sleeping Nate, gesturing for him to join me a flash of annoyance crosses his eyes before he carefully slips out from where he was spooned to Skylar's back. She mumbles muffled nothings in her sleep before rolling over and curling into the warm space in the bed left by Nate.

Closing the door behind him, careful not to wake Skylar, she's going to need her rest for what's to come, Nate makes his way back over to where I've slumped on the sofa; opening the last two beers and passing one to me. He expression darkens as he takes a drink "she was mumbling in her sleep, we only have till the next full moon before he makes a move". Nates words fill me with dread, the next full moon is just over two weeks from now and that really isn't enough time for what has to happen next.

"I need you to reach out to your contact today, we can't wait any longer; just because we think we have till the full moon doesn't mean he can't strike sooner. One week is all I'm risking"

"One week? Have you lost your damn mind?" Nate clearly not impressed with the much shortened time scale takes a deep breath; "okay I'll make the call and see what I can do but I'm not making any promises. I think we need to get her out the city either way, she won't like it but she's not staying here even if we don't pull this off."

The silence between us gives an answer without words, we both know she can't stay here, she wouldn't be safe. One week and either way she is out of this apartment, I can't say I'll miss it, both myself and Nate are far too tall for this place it was definitely made for someone her size and not much more.

The next few hours pass slowly, there's not much on TV that either of us can agree on, mainly we just sit in silence and listen; there's nothing to hear but we still listen out just in case she calls, just in case she needs us.
The sunrise breaking through the curtains told us we had been up all night, still both wide awake almost as if we were standing guard over a sleeping princess. The birds have started chirping and from the sounds of the downstairs neighbours the birds weren't the only ones screeching at this early hour; Nate looks at me with raised eyebrows and we both try to suppress the laughter at what we are listening too.
"Do you think they know they have a new neighbour yet? Maybe they got used to it being empty up here" I shrug my shoulder in response still hoping they won't wake Skylar and not wanting to add to the chances.

"Oh god not again" sounds a grumble from the other room; Our attention is drawn to the bedroom door as it opens and good god that is some serious bed head going on.
"All those years of routine and you're still not a morning person?" I laugh as I tease her morning look.

"You'd be grumpy too if that woke you up not just once but twice in a row! I wonder if they know I'm here yet, maybe I should make some noise so they know how thin the floors are" she pads across the room to the kitchen and pours a glass of water. I can't help but laugh although I think Nate took that the wrong way, he's staring at Skylar like he wants to help her in that task but she is completely oblivious.

"Okay we are going to need to spend today explaining a lot of information" I'm trying to keep calm, trying not to spook Skylar and come on too strong; she doesn't know how much danger she is in and I can't have her freaking out on us. "Why don't you go and get cleaned up and when you're done we can sit down and address the elephant in the room."

Finishing her water Skylar looks between Nate and me, he still hasn't said a word, he's just staring at her but she doesn't seem to notice his silence, simply turning on her heel and heading towards the bathroom. Closing the door behind her I hear the shower turn on and the door lock click into place. "Are you done spacing out yet? Get a grip Nate today could be one of the biggest days of her life and you're not helping staring at her like something to eat!"

"Oh but I would" he whispers it so quietly no ordinary human would have heard him but he knows I can hear him loud and clear. "Keep it in your pants" I shove him from the side and he looses his balance catching himself on the counter Nate turns to face me but I cut him off before he can speak "she's been locked up for 6 years, she doesn't have a clue what she would want."

He knows I have a point, I know he knows because as he tries to respond the words don't come, he doesn't have an argument and he takes the defeat; I don't think that's the end though, I can see something in his eyes I haven't seen for a long time, an emotion Nate doesn't normally let out of the box; Lust. Lust for one of my oldest friends who I would do anything to protect, I just hope I won't have to protect her from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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