New neighbours

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I was right, I wasn't woken by flickering fluorescent light, instead I was rudely awoken the next morning by the screaming coming from downstairs; I don't actually know if screaming is the right word to use, whoever she was she definitely wasn't in any pain, in fact I would go as far as to say she was enjoying herself.

All I wanted was to sleep in, I hadn't felt well rested in years and purposefully not set an alarm so I could have a long lay in but I guess my new neighbours had different plans. Oh Jesus why did they need to be so loud about it, not everyone needs to know "how good you feel" as she was putting it.

Deciding enough is enough I get myself up and dressed for the day, I don't know what I'm going to do but I want to set a good routine that I can stick to for when I find a job. Taking the easy route I pour a bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast setting myself down on the sofa to eat and watch some more TV.

Once breakfast was finished I started making a list, I needed to get everything sorted this week so that I could start job hunting and I had quite a bit to do.

To Do List
- go to bank, see how much money I have
- buy new clothes (budget $100 maybe less depending on bank)
- write & print a resumé (internet cafe?)
- organise food ( see how many days worth I have and what I can make with it)
- research job types & see what I might like
- speak to Frank see if he knows anywhere that would hire me with no references

Okay I'm sure I have more to do than this but I can add to my list when I think of more, honestly I think I could start job hunting as early as tomorrow, do I really need to sit around for a week watching TV, for all I know the perfect job for me could be taken by someone else in that time.

"Okay Skylar, this is it, time to be a grown up and get your shit together" I say speaking out loud to my self in the mirror, not much of a pep talk I know but it's the best I can muster right now. Taking out my phone I open the dreaded navigation app again and start researching. It doesn't take me long to find the bank that is written on my new debit card, there are like 5 nearby so I decide to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and see if there are any internet cafes near any of them.

I'm in luck, 2 doors down from one of the banks is an internet cafe where you can use the computers and you can print anything you need for like 5c a sheet. This would be perfect for making a resumé, I don't know what I can put on it when I have zero experience but I guess I can just make it up.
Tucking my card, ID and phone into my pockets I get ready to head out; I really need to get myself a backpack or something, there we go that's another thing to add to my list!

This stupid navigation app is really getting on my nerves now, I should only have taken me 15 minutes to get to the bank but 45 minutes later I have walked in a circle 3 times and ended up going the complete wrong way for at least 10 minutes before realising and switching back. Frustrated I put the phone in my pocket and take a deep breath, I look around and see a nice looking older couple who seem approachable.

"Hi I'm sorry to bother you but I'm lost and I'm new to the city, I'm trying to find Citibank, the one next to an internet cafe but I keep getting turned around and can't work out where I am now. Please could you help me?" The older lady looks at her husband and smiles, she turned to face me and I've never felt such warmth and loving come from a stranger, I start to relax as she gives me simple directions.

"You aren't too far from it to be fair sweetheart only about 10 minutes walking and that's at my pace, a young one like you could probably get there a lot faster. Just take a right at the lights and walk till you see the 7/11, then take a left and you should be able to see it from there on the other side of the road."

I can't believe how close I was and still hadn't been able to find it myself, I thank her and she wishes me a good day. Following her instructions to the letter it doesn't take me long to find the 7/11 and just like she said I could see the sign for the bank as soon as I took the next corner.
Stupid phones and their gps asking for directions was so much easier.

I head inside and wait in line to see the teller, she is friendly enough when I explain that I have a new account provided by the state but that I don't know how much money is in it; after checking my ID and having me put in my PIN number she hands me a slip of paper which she called a statement. Looking down at the paper I'm pleasantly surprised to see the judge had provided me with enough money to have a real chance at successfully starting over. Just under $5000 was in my account and it showed that the small amount that would have made it up was what I had spent yesterday, I can't believe it, maybe I'll even treat myself to a few extra items of clothes when I hit the mall tomorrow.

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