Old Friend

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It was only a 5 minute walk from my apartment to Skylar's new place but with every step I could feel my nerves building; this isn't how I wanted this to go, she had only been out of Stoney Hall 2 days and already everything had started to fall apart.
Fucking Nate, why couldn't he just do what I asked, okay fair play he saved her life but why did he have to admit he was following her; the guy really needs to brush up on his lying skills.

Standing in front of her building I walk in and almost run up the stairs to the 2nd floor but when I get to her door I freeze; how is she going to react, will she open the door or will Nate, all the possible things I could say to her; what would be the best explanation. I take a deep breath and knock on her door. I hear footstep on the other side and then the door opens, Nate is standing there blocking her view of me.

We keep our conversation hushed so she can't hear what we say, "She doesn't know it's you yet"

"Okay I don't know the best way to do this, what if she hates me"

"She won't Logan but she will probably be shocked to see you after all this time"

"Okay I can't put this off any longer move out of the way Nate"

Nate stepped aside and my eyes locked with hers, it only took a split second for her to recognise me and I could tell this wasn't going to go well, I watched helpless as confusion took over her face and she whispered my name "Logan?" As if questioning what she was seeing, then she fainted. Before I had time to react Nate had caught her mid collapse, he was always faster than I was; not that it mattered I was frozen where I stood in her doorway.

"LOGAN CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR" Nate yells at me snapping me out of my trance, quickly shutting the door behind me I move to her side, "shit what do I do Nate? Is she okay?" I try to take her off Nate as I'm speaking but he holds on tighter shifting into a seated position pulling Skylar into his lap. "She's fine Logan, she's just in shock, what did you expect after all this time?"

Looking at Nate he is looking down at Skylar with worry etched into his expression, when did he start to care for her so much and why the hell is he getting so defensive for her. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind, that isn't important right now; Skylar is what matters and I need to wake her up and try to explain some of this to her.

"Skylar, Skylar please wake up for us. We need you to wake up now sweet girl, please wake up." Nate is whispering over and over to her brushing the side of her face with his hand, I felt a cold pang of jealousy run through me but quickly shove it aside; Skylar was more like a little sister to me so I had to right to reason to be jealous of his touching her.

Her eyelids start to flutter and she comes back around looking up at Nate first in confusion and then in realisation when she remembers what made her faint in the first place. He head snaps up and her cold green eyes lock onto mine, I've never seen her look so cold and mean; "what the hell are you doing here Logan?"

"Skylar I'm so sorry" I start rambling unable to compose myself; this isn't how I had planned for this to go. "I never meant for any of this to happen to you, it's all my fault and I just want to help you and keep you safe." All she can do is stare while I go on and on about how I have missed her and how I kept track of her; "I was there in the court room the day you petitioned for release, I'm sorry I couldn't come to you but I couldn't let them see you talking to me or you wouldn't have got out. I know I lied back then and I'm sure you realised after that day 6 years ago that I'm not human but I'm so sorry for everything, Skylar... please just talk to me." Finally out of words I stopped talking and waited for her to talk.

I feel like she's staring into my soul, like she is searching for the truth behind my words. What she did next surprised us all, she turned her head into Nate's shoulder and started sobbing; I'm not talking quiet cries, I mean full on body wrenching sobs that she couldn't stop. Nate carefully passed her over to me when I held out my arms, sensing my need to be close to her again. She clung to my shirt and I could feel her tears soaking my shirt.

I don't know how long she cried for but eventually we noticed that the sobs had turned to heavy breathing and Nate looked at her face tucked against my chest; "yea she's fast asleep dude, I think she tired herself out, probably dehydrated herself too" I let out a small chuckle at his comment but Skylar stirred in my arms causing me to stop and let her stay asleep.

Carefully carrying a sleeping Skylar through to her bedroom I placed her on the mattress and covered her with the blankets, she looked so peaceful now, only the slight redness on her face was the telltale sign of her crying, but even with that you would never know the state she had been in not too long ago. I hear the front door open and close and I know Nate has gone to get us some beer; thank god because I could really do with a drink right about now.

When I walk into the living room 10 minutes later Nate is already back and hands me a beer, we both click our fingers to remove the caps, it's the simplest magic that brings the greatest joy sometimes I think to myself as we both laugh at the perfect timing.

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