Sleeping beauty

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I could see she was going to faint before it happened, thank god I'm faster than most, I mean all fae are fast but I tend to be faster.
I catch her before she hits the floor and hold her tight to keep her safe, looking up Logan is frozen in place with the door still wide open behind him; the last thing we need is a nosey neighbour seeing Skylar passed out on the floor with the door open, they wouldn't see us but it might not go well for her. I yell at Logan to close the door and he finally rejoins reality; closing it quickly he comes towards me in a panic, trying to take her out of my arms and asking if she's okay.

I get this sudden overwhelming urge to protect her from everything and I don't let him take her from me, holding her tighter I shift onto the floor and pull her into my lap,  "She's fine Logan, she's just in shock, what did you expect after all this time?" I almost snap at him, where is this coming from, I hardly know this girl.

Stroking her face gently I start whispering into her ear encouraging her to wake up and come back to me, when she wakes her confusion is quickly replaced by anger as she focuses on Logan. It doesn't take long for his rambling apologies to get to her and before I know it she is crying into my chest.
I know in this moment she needs to be near Logan so when he holds out his arms for her I carefully pass her over to him.

After what seemed like an eternity she finally stopped crying but looking at her face I could see she was fast asleep; apparently crying for an hour was tiring work. While Logan puts Skylar to bed I head out to one of our local shops, at my speed I'm there in just a few minutes, I head to the back and pick up a 6 pack; I know we could probably do with more after today but I don't want to sit around and get drunk all night in case she wakes up. Taking the beer to the register I say hello to the clerk working today, I think her name is Lydia or maybe Linda, she's one of the older werewolves that lives in Logan's building. She smiles and wishes me a nice evening before continuing stocking up the shelves.

Heading back to Skylar's apartment Logan is still in her room, he must know I've been to the shop because he's not surprised when I hand him a beer when he joins me in the living room. we both click our fingers to remove the caps at the same time and we have a small laugh at our timing, settling down on her sofa we make sort work of the first beer and move onto our second, neither of us is going to get drunk off 3 beers so we slow down a bit to make them last; it doesn't look like Skylar has much else in the way of food and drinks in this apartment.

"Should we both stay the night or do you think she'll be mad to wake up to us on her sofa?" Logan asks me but I just shrug my shoulders, it doesn't bother me to sleep on the floor so we can both crash. "I thinks she'll be more freaked out if she wake up and we're gone, you can have the sofa I'll crash on the floor." Getting comfy we put on a new movie that neither of us is really paying attention to, it doesn't take long until we are both yawning and ready to get some sleep; it's been a stressful day and I don't think tomorrow will be much better. I need to call the witch tomorrow and see how easy it would be to move up Logan's plan, now he is back in her life she could quickly be put in danger again.

I don't know what time it is but we are both woken suddenly to the sound of Skylar crying out, I hear my name and Logan's as we both rush into her room. As soon as we turn the light on she sits bolt upright and something is definitely wrong, her eyes are clouded over like she's in a trance. I pull her into me trying to offer her comfort but she is shaking violently and I don't know how to stop it.

Logan put his hands on either side of her head and his eyes close as he concentrates, when her eyes open again I feel relief flood over me, they are back to her normal vibrant green. "What the fuck was that" my question directed at Logan but he is looking just as confused as me. Skylar just looks terrified but we are quickly filled in on what she has just experienced.

"He's coming for me, the man from my classroom, he was in my dreams, he said he knows I'm out and he's going to come back for me no matter what." Sobs overtake her body as she looses control over her emotions; I've never seen this kind of magic before, nobody should be able to invade your dreams that easily, especially someone who wasn't invited.

Holding her tight in my arms I can almost feel the fear radiating from her body, "it's okay Skylar we are here, we'll protect you from anyone that wants to hurt you"

"But I don't know who he is, I don't even know what he wants from me"

"We know a little more than you but not a lot, tomorrow we'll talk more about it but you need to trust us, Logan has a plan, he's been working on it for a long time; he never abandoned you"

"I don't understand" she looked at Logan clearly confused but he was speechless. "Logan please tell me whats happening to me, why won't he leave me alone after all these years"

Logan finally took a deep breath "I can't explain this to you now, I need to talk with a someone first before I can give you answers but I swear to you Skylar, I won't let anything happen to you; not again."

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