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I do what Logan asked me to and I spend the next day following Skylar, it's really hard not to go over to her, she looks so lost everywhere she goes. She clearly hasn't gotten the hang of gps yet and she keeps looking at her phone and changing directions; at one point she was literally walking in circles before giving up and asking some nearby shoppers for help.

I kept on her tail the whole time staying far enough back that she wouldn't notice me but close enough that I could see the emotions on her face. She looked so relieved when she walked out of the bank, she must have got some good news.
I followed as she walked down a few stores before going into an internet cafe; I can't believe those are still a thing, most people just have their own computers or laptops but I guess she wouldn't even know where to start with today's technology.

I watched from across the street as tucked into a pastry and hot drink, clearly deep in thought she was chewing her bottom lip as she typed; damn this girl really didn't understand what that did to me. Logan would kill me if he knew what I was thinking about her right now, but it's not my fault he kept to himself how beautiful she was.

Finishing what she was doing she looked a little stressed at the counter but eventually handed over some cash and took an envelope stuffed with paper; a rumble of thunder overhead finally made me aware of the changing weather and I put my hood up preparing for the imminent storm that was about to hit Chicago.
Skylar quickly went up the street to a shop that clearly sold every type of bag you can imagine, I couldn't see her inside but when she came to the till she handed the clerk a sheet of paper from her envelope; I think she might be looking for a job.

I know from here it's only 15 minutes back to her apartment but based on the amount of time she spent getting lost this morning I was going to be stuck in this rain for a bit longer than that.

She kept her head down but she hadn't anticipated the weather so she didn't have a coat or even a hood to put up, she was clearly getting absolutely drenched and kept taking the wrong turns. Getting frustrated I took out my phone and called Logan. "I can't let this go on much longer dude, she's clearly lost and nobody will stop to help her"

"Nate I swear to god don't you dare go up to her, she'll freak out if she see's you again"

"I don't want to freak her out but she must be freezing, she's going to get sick if she doesn't get home and dried off soon"

"Just leave it, follow her but don't interfere that's all I asked you to do"

"Okay man I'll try but she doesn't look like she's finding her way home anytime soon"

I ended the call and looked up to see Skylar hiding in an archway trying to look at her phone, I could easily have her home in less than 10 minutes if I could go and help her but once again she went the wrong way and started to get further away from her home.
She was clearly defeated now and her long red curls were clinging to her face in the rain, I could almost see her shivering from across the street and I could tell from the way she was looking around that she was ready to give up and hide out the storm.

She stood at the crosswalk waiting for traffic to stop but when the walk sign went green she didn't look to see if the oncoming car had actually slowed down, I ran across the street to catch up to her as fast as my legs would take me and made it just in time to push her out of the way of the speeding car, the driver honked his horn as he carried on driving like it hadn't been his fault that he almost killed her.

Skylar looked down as sheets of paper scattered the road grabbing what she could still save but clearly devastated that at least half the copies of what I could now see was her resumé had been destroyed.
She had yet to look up and see who I was as she was rambling thank yous for saving her, so I took the chance to not freak her out and walked away before she realised it was me.

Hoping to simply walk around a corner before doubling back to follow her I sped off in the opposite direction to her house; but as I turned around I realised a little too late that she had run after me, probably to thank me again for saving her life but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw my face.

Looking around scared Skylar must have realised that nobody else was on the street with the horrible weather, she looked back at me and I could see anger had replaced the fear in her eyes now. "What the hell do you want with me?" She asked clearly trying not to yell as there were still cars driving passed and she didn't want them to notice her screaming to herself.

"Look Skylar I don't want to scare you, I'm just trying to look out for you, and if you don't want people to stare why don't you try holding your phone to your ear, nobody would question you stood here talking if they thought you were on a phone call"
She took her phone out of her pocket and held it to her ear, clearly realising that it was a good idea on my part.

"Okay now can you explain yourself, are you following me? First yesterday I run into you and now you save me from a speeding car? It all seems a bit suspicious to me"

"Okay I'll admit today I was following you but I wasn't yesterday I swear"

"Okay but why are you following me, how do you even know who I am?"

Taking a deep breath I try to decide how much information I can give her without screwing everything up, " look that's not important right now, why don't I walk you home, I know your lost I've seen you walk around the same block twice and before you crossed the street you didn't have a clue which way to walk."

"How the hell do you know where I live? Who gave you my address?"

Ahh shit I really hadn't thought that one through, sensing my hesitation she took off walking again, once again going the wrong way.

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