★: 11

47 10 2

Third person


Ahra's voice drawled real hard, but that wasn't what irritated Jiyun. It was how loudly she had shrilled. The black haired knew her aunt wouldn't call her for something important and only wanted to say more rubbish this evening to her, so she begrudgingly, pushed herself away from her study desk, put on a pair of her fluffy slippers and headed downstairs. All the while mumbling how she wanted peace. It was lucky enough Ahra didn't see her on Hyunjin's bike.

"I'm here," The younger announced, scrunching her nose in disgust as the smell of alcohol hit her nostrils.

Ahra sat lazily on the couch, watching a movie. She would laugh ridiculously loud whenever something apparently funny happens. Once her ears caught Jiyun's voice, she turned around with little to no effort, her hawk gaze pinned on her. "About time," She scoffed. "I'm out of snacks, go get me some!"

Jiyun was hesitant to oppose. It was quite late and she was studying. She didn't want to go out. "But- it's quarter to eleven," she tried to put out.

"Which means you have enough time, now move it!" Ahra waved her hands dismissively. She noticed Jiyun still standing there and that annoyed her so damn much. "What are you waiting for?" she prodded, irking a brow at her.

"I'm gonna need cash."

"Use yours!"

★ . . . . . . . ★

"We closed just a minute ago, sorry!"

Taehyung had his boyish box like smile on. He was glad to see his coworker but wasn't very pleased to let her know that there was a major inconvince.

"Oh man," Jiyun hissed under her breath, randomly kicking a pebble. She was a little too late to get to the seven-eleven and if she returned with snacks, Ahra would surely throw a dumb tantrum. She wanted her old aunt back, not his one filled with trauma and grief. Not this one deluded with alcohol and sadness.

"Dude, if you wanted snacks you should've been here a little earlier-"

"Tae, don't you think I know that? My aunt just suddenly craved them at this time of the night!" the black haired huffed, crossing her arms.

"Oh?" Taehyung hummed lowly, fishing his slingbag for a couple seconds. He took out a chocolate flavoured candy, pointing it at Jiyun's confused face. "Here, you can have mine!"

Jiyun looked at his palm, smiling at his gestured. The taller was always trying to act tough, but he was just a big ol' softie inside. His sweetness was actually another part of her day she looked forward to.

"Thank you so much," The shorter beamed, shoving the candy into her coat pocket.

Taehyung shook his head. "No problem. See ya tomorrow, right?"

"Right!" Even when they went their separate ways, Jiyun still had a little smile on, she needed that much positivity and was angry that Hyunjin and Minho weren't being part of it.

Once the ravenette arrived at her front porched, she heaved in a long sigh, mentally preparing for Ahra. She slowly creaked the door open, her eyes scanning the dimly lit room, only the TV was the source of light. The younger slipped into the house, heart thumping rapidly.

"Oh you're back," Ahra walked out of the kitchen, a bottle of beer in her grasped, she noticed how Jiyun stood there without a bag. "My snacks?"

"They were closed," the room fell silent, Just Ahra standing lazily. Too quickly for Jiyun to comprehend, a bottle was thrown her way, making her scream of reflex, docking away from the door. The black haired used her hand to shield her face from the shards of broken glass, receiving minor cuts close to her wrist. "Why the hell did you do that?" Jiyun's brows knitted in agitation.

Ahra just blinked. She shrugged nonchalantly, walking towards the sofa. "Clean that up before you head to your room."

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It has almost been a month, huh?
Not really feeling motivated to update this book cause I don't know if you guys like it or not?

Anyways last chapter's answer; Red and green

Today on trivia; What are people with Alektorophobia afraid of?

Moving on, hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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