Opposite Attracts

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Chapter five

Days passed, and nothing changed, Mark still asked for my notes and shared useless information about his day.

I'm clumsy, I thought no one was as clumsy as me, but ohhhh man, how wrong I was! Mark was even clumsier than me, he had random cuts and scratches all over him, which he himself was unaware of. We texted daily, shared everything going on with our day. Soon the text turned into voice messages and the voice messages turned into calls.

Mark was an anime and non-fiction fan on the other hand I was a kdrama and fiction fan.
He loved spicy food whereas I was a kid with spice tolerance zero!
He was productive, while I was a potato.
He wrote poems, I wrote short stories.
We had nothing in common, but at the same time so much in common.
We loved the moon, the sky, flowers, chocolates, sweets, and many more! He spoke less, it was always me talking and blabbering about random stuffs.

Mark was a great listener, I loved to talk!
Mark could cook, I love to eat!
Mark could sing, I love listening music!
Mark love puzzles,and I was a whole mystery!

Don't you think it's the perfect combo?

*So what do you think might have happened next? Do you think Daisy and Mark will get along in the future too? Lemme know you're thoughts, because they matter to me the most!^•^*

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