wait, he's cute

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Chapter two

...But something again caught my eye, rather someone. It was a guy who was as tall as a dino-giraffe. He was sleeping peacefully, in that noisy environment I should add. 'Wow he must really love to sleep' I thought to myself, I never noticed him in class before (it was my 3rd day at school).

I was observing his features, cute face, with a manly sharp knife like jawline which could possibly cut any vegetable, smooth silky hair, decent hairstyle, polished shoes (which tbh could fit my 2 feets in his one shoe), ironed shirt. His lips were in a cute baby pout, I saw he licked his lips and moved a bit, I'm assuming he felt a heat of stare on him. I fake coughed and tore my eyes off him and joined my friends to gossip! (common be honest ik you love to gossip with your bestie too ^•^)

Sally, Rose and Taan were my first friends at school, they were very welcoming and lovely. I was relieved that I didn't had to struggle making friends because I'm a sort of introvert! But the only thing that annoyed me about all three of them was, the way they laughed, like ohh my goshhhh so loud, I couldn't stand- my ears literally starts paining.

*I bet y'all have friends like them as well. Wanna share the tips on how you bear them? Because Daisy is in a desperate need of those tips!*

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