I never knew-

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Chapter three

On the same day I asked Sally about the dino-giraffe guy's name, she was taken aback by my sudden question but said "Mark Stevenson" being uninterested. "Mark" I repeated. She gave me a 'wtf' look but I ignored her.

Days passed, I was friends with everyone. But Mark never said a word to me, which made me question at myself, 'is my personality that unapproachable?' Soon me and my classmates exchanged phone-numbers and made a group for gossiping. Academics was fine as always, classworks, homework, assignments,etc. But the matter of fact my copy was the only one which was updated (flips hair). And also I noticed Mark used to sleep or gossip with his friends during class.

I got to know our classmate 'Adam Stevenson' was Mark's cousin. Adam had a girlfriend, 'Riley Benner', she was a great artist even though she didn't match my vibe.

One day it was just me, Mark, Adam, Riley, and Rose present in class. I never got to know the reason why rest of them were absent. But out of no where the topic popped out 'who got how many wounds'- to my suprise Adam and Mark couldn't complete their so called 'wound-list' whereas mine and Riley's never started. I was very bad with pain so I never got anything more than minor cuts. It was the very first time I heard Mark talking so much like for real. He sounded cute tho, I won't lie.

And suddenly I wished I could hear him speak like that everyday!

*I bet you might've a guy in your class like Mark, who is as mysterious as the question 'who came first- Hen or Egg?'*

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