Notes of Hearts

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Chapter four

It's been like 3 months I got into the school.

And on a fine afternoon I was sleeping peacefully when my phone buzzed not once but thrice (one thing about Daisy is, she loves to sleep and is very lazy!). I growled looking frustrated towards my phone. It buzzed twice more. I was like 'who tf needs what from me at this hour!' This better be important,(aishhh my beauty sleep) (+_+). I opened my phone and saw something I NEVER expected, Mark texted me- out of nowhere. He asked for history, political science,and english notes. What he even does during class- I thought while massaging my templates being irritated. Ohh! Right, sleep and gossip, my brain answered that question for me. I told him to wait while I click pictures of the notes.

Mark was an average student like me, but I was better in English and he was better in Economics.

From that day onwards he started asking for notes everyday-EVERY FUCKING DAY. And with these notes we started talking often. He started sharing his daily routine and stuffs without me asking. I was an night owl so it was obvious for me to stay up till 4am or even more, but Mark was an early bird but he too at times chatted till 4am with me.

I never thought that the mysterious guy who gave me a sort of creepy vibes would be this simple and cute. Soon he became a part of my day and a open book to me.

And I understood his language better than anyone else did.

*So dear readers, you're familiar with the language of eyes or hearts? No,no you don't have to answer just yet, but think till you get the answer to this question!*

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