Chapter VI

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The morning was approaching, (Y/n) got up early and went to get some fresh air, 'why did you go out, didn't I tell you to rest' said Sesshomaru, (Y/n) just smiled 'I also need fresh air and move so that my body got healthy again' replied (Y/n). 

I walk with Sesshomaru and take some fruit that we found then go back to the cave and see Rin and Jaken already up "Rin... Good Morning" (Y/n) says hello to Rin. "Good Morning (Y/n)-sama" Rin replied with a yawn. (Y/n) giving fruit to Rin for breakfast, Rin is very happy and grateful to (Y/n).

Sesshomaru stood outside the cave, and (Y/n) approached him, "you're leaving?" ask (Y/n). Sesshomaru nodded, "all right, be careful", said (Y/n) then Sesshomaru left them. (Y/n) accompanies Rin to play in the field full of flowers, along with Jaken. 

I went back inside the cave to cook the fish caught by Jaken before we went to the field. Rin and Jaken return, (Y/n) giving the cooked fish for them to eat.

Jaken nodded and left with Rin, (Y/n) and Aun waiting in the cave, while (Y/n) healed himself. The night comes, Rin and Jaken have not returned yet, (Y/n) finally goes out of the cave with Aun looking for Rin and Jaken. 

After a while, (Y/n) finds Sesshomaru and also Jaken. "Where is Rin?", (Y/n) asked. Jaken gasps at the sight of (Y/n) and is confused as to what to say. Sesshomaru then spoke "Naraku took Rin", Sesshomaru said. (Y/n) let out his dark aura, scared Jaken hid behind Sesshomaru.

"No need to worry Rin is fine with me", said someone from behind. "Naraku" said Jaken, (Y/n) turning her body. "I will return Rin to you if you listen to my request", Naraku said. 

"Naraku? What are you planning", Sesshomaru said. "I just want you to kill Inuyasha and also (looking towards (Y/n)) bring my daughter home", Naraku said. Hearing this (Y/n) clenched her hands in anger. 

"Daughter?? You have a daughter?", Jaken was surprised to hear that. Sesshomaru grinned "You're doing such a troublesome thing, just for that matter", Sesshomaru said then attacked Naraku. 

Naraku's body broke into chunks, "'s a demon puppet", Jaken said in surprise.

'Don't get carried away' said Sesshomaru communicating to (Y/n). 'I know, he set a trap' said (Y/n). "Ano... so what about Rin Sesshomaru-sama", asked Jaken. 

Sesshomaru turned around and walked, (Y/n) followed Sesshomaru 'He's after you Sesshomaru, be careful' said (Y/n), 'I know, he's after you too' replied Sesshomaru. 

"Ano... (Y/n)-sama what exactly are you two planning?" asked Jaken. Moments later Sesshomaru and (Y/n) stopped walking, "what's wrong?" asked Jaken. 

"Naraku Castle" replied Sesshomaru, "Heee... but I don't see anything", said Jaken. It wasn't long before the palace's barrier opened and made a path for us to walk through. 

"Hee..." said Jaken in shock again. Sesshomaru and (Y/n) walked towards Naraku Castle followed by Jaken.

Sesshomaru and (Y/n) have arrived at Naraku Castle followed by Jaken. "You deliberately released your aura to lure me to this place, you also know I didn't come to save that human or deliver your daughter back," Sesshomaru said. 

(Y/n) remained silent analyzing the situation, then Naraku appeared "Hahahaha... yes I know that, I know that you will not follow my orders, and also that is the only way to take you to this place, then... without me forcing my daughter will come here following you, and lastly you come to kill me" Naraku said. 

"Daughter?" Jaken mumbled in confusion.

"You speak as if you have managed to trap me here," Sesshomaru said. (Y/n) began to alert 'That smile I know he's up to something', said (Y/n) in her mind. 

Naraku stared at (Y/n) "I won't hurt you so you don't have to be on alert like that, my child" Naraku said. 

"Tsk ... I'm not your child, I never thought of you as my father", said (Y/n). This made Jaken very surprised "Hahahahahaha... I appreciate it my child but I am still your father and Sesshomaru I did invite you so I will respect your purpose", Naraku said then showed his true form. 

"Just an outcast group of Demons, is this your true form, Naraku?", Sesshomaru said in a mocking tone. "Hmm this is only half of my original form", said Naraku who then attacked Sesshomaru and (Y/n).

POV (Y/n)

Naraku started attacking me and Sesshomaru, but we dodged the attack. He pulled out his tentacles to attack Sesshomaru and myself, Sesshomaru pulled out his sword at the same time as me I used An to cut off the tentacles that attacked me. 

'I have a bad feeling about this', I said in my mind while avoiding and cutting off the tentacles that kept attacking me. I cut off the last tentacle 'It's weird every time I cut it, it comes back with more of them'.

Then I realized that someone had broken the barrier that Naraku had put around the Castle. Naraku then ordered Kagura to go and check who broke the barrier. I thought about why he was keeping me away from Sesshomaru, then... 'He's trying to absorb Sesshomaru into one part of himself' I said in my mind. 

"Sesshomaru stop atta..." my words stopped, holding back several tentacles that attacked me suddenly making me bounce backward. 'Tsk he didn't give me the courtesy to speak' I said in my mind. Naraku then turned to me, looked at me sharply, and smirked.

I stared back at him while dodging his attacks, and then Sesshomaru let out a powerful attack that made Naraku's tentacles cut into many pieces. I tried to get closer to Sesshomaru but Naraku blocked me. Until finally Naraku managed to get Sesshomaru and began to absorb him.

"Well... now it's time for father and daughter time", Naraku said, while turning towards me. Naraku attacked me destroying my hat and face Veil "Look at my daughter now she has grown up and she's very beautiful" said Naraku.

I stood up and looked at him sharply, "I didn't expect to find you again my daughter... you know how long your father has been looking for you" said Naraku. 

"Don't call me your daughter, it's disgusting" I said irritably. "Hahahaha... you know it's rude, but it's okay that it's my punishment for not being able to take care of you", Naraku said. 

I tried to stay calm, Naraku grinned and said "Can't I be your father again (Y/n) dear". "There's no need for that Dad, I know you want my power for your benefit and you must already know the answer don't you" I replied in a teasing tone. 

"Hooo... you finally call me dad... (grinning) Yes, I know,  that's why I'm going to force you", said Naraku. Attacking me with a black chain that he controlled. I dodged the chain and said "I won't allow it" I said.

to be continued...

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