Chapter X

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Sesshomaru, (Y/n), Rin, Jaken, and Aun walked to find Naraku's whereabouts. After walking for a long time we all rested, Sesshomaru and (Y/n) went looking for clues. Rin and Jaken go looking for food. 

Not long after, Rin shouted (Y/n) and ran towards the sound where Rin shouted. (Y/n) saw Rin and Jaken, but she hid first behind the trees. Jaken tries to chase away the wolf demons, which scares Rin. 

'Hakkaku and Ginta are Koga's subordinates, I will remember them' said (Y/n) in her mind. Jaken also introduced himself, they argued and were about to fight, but Sesshomaru appeared "Jaken, what are you doing?" asked Sesshomaru who then looked at Hakkaku and Ginta. 

"Who are you?" asked Hakkaku, "why are you staring at you, do you want to fight...huh?" said Ginta who was afraid to see Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru glared at them, and they ran away.

"Rin, you said you wanted to catch fish," said Sesshomaru. Rin nodded and began to look at the fish in the river, "Jaken" Sesshomaru said while looking at him. Jaken gulped and nodded then went to accompany Rin. 

(Y/n) walked closer to Sesshomaru 'were they the ones who attacked Rin?' (Y/n) asked. 'Yes, they were the ones who attacked Rin' answered Sesshomaru. 'Hmm... are you going to punish them?' asked (Y/n). Sesshomaru didn't answer (Y/n)'s question and just walked away.

(Y/n) sighed, 'Hopefully nothing strange will happen today' (Y/n) said in her mind. Rin finished catching fish and cooking the fish then leaned back together with Jaken, Aun and (Y/n) who were watching them. 

Rin told about the incident where she saved Jaken from the poison of a demon bee, (Y/n) listened to Rin's story and stroked Rin's head "Rin was so great, always be careful," said (Y/n). 

Jaken was embarrassed when Rin told her about the incident but on the other hand, he was also very grateful to Rin that he would not die.

We continued our journey and accidentally ran into Hakkaku and Ginta again. They looked scared when faced with Sesshomaru, but they dared to speak until someone appeared and said "Why are you saying my name?" said the person. 

"Koga", said Hakkaku and Ginta at the same time. Koga was in front of Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru took out his sword, and Koga took a ready stance to attack, but Sesshomaru didn't attack Koga but, the Demon wanted to attack Koga from behind, Koga was grateful. 

At the same time there was a Demon who was going to attack Rin, (Y/n) was going to attack the Demon but Koga killed him first, then (Y/n) threw her sword at Hakkaku and Ginta which hit the Demon who wanted to pounce on them.

After this incident, we parted ways and we continued our journey. We arrived at a cave and rested there. Rin and Jaken ate the fruit they picked while we were walking, Sesshomaru sat leaning against the cave wall then closed his eyes and rested. 

(Y/n) stood up and went out of the cave and walked around to get some fresh air at night. (Y/n) walked until she found a very beautiful flower field. She saw a cave in the middle of the field. 

"Strange... how there is a cave in the middle of a field of flowers" muttered (Y/n) approaching.

(Y/n) stopped right in front of the mouth of the cave, 'This cave is not an ordinary cave, this cave is a demon' said (Y/n) in her mind. 

(Y/n) felt an unpleasant atmosphere from the cave, 'it looks like he is eating his catch, I have to save them' said (Y/n) in his mind. (Y/n) took a step back and took out her sword An. 

(Y/n) then looked for the demon's weak point, and found that at the top of the cave, there was a point that connected to its weak point. (Y/n) climbed to the point when it was close, (Y/n) thrust her sword into the point. The cave shook then tentacles appeared that wanted to attack (Y/n).

POV (Y/n)

I drew my sword and slashed all the tentacles that were attacking me and once again I thrust my sword at the same point. I felt the presence of Shikon Jewel shard. 

"Kagome" I muttered, 'this shard belongs to Kagome so she is trapped in this cave' I said in my mind. I drew my sword and made a Handsign while chanting a prayer. Slowly my sword had an aura and light around it. 

After I finished reciting my prayer, I thrust my sword again. The cave shook violently and finally stopped shaking and began to slowly disappear. I jumped down from the cave.

The cave disappeared completely, "Kagome?" I said. Kagome turned to me, and then Kikyo-nee's soul collector passed me and gave the soul to Kikyo-nee. 

'I see' I said in my mind. I looked at Kagome and nodded at her then turned my body to give her time to talk to Kikyo-nee. Kagome started walking away from Kikyo and stopped "If someone dies he will be sad" said Kagome. 

I turned around, Kagome passed me, I saw the sad look on her face.

I walked closer to Kikyo-nee, took off my hat and face veil, then sat beside her. "You still love him, right?" I said, Kikyo-nee leaned on my shoulder and nodded. 

I laughed a little "This is the first time I see you feeling jealous and that too in your reincarnation" I said. Kikyo-nee sighed "You haven't changed at all since before", said Kikyo-nee a little annoyed. 

I laughed, "are you okay?" (Y/n) asked. Kikyo-nee didn't answer my question, "hmm... okay, rest, I'll accompany you here," I said. Kikyo-nee nodded and let out her tears then cried. Kikyo-nee finally stopped crying, "why don't you go?" Kikyo-nee asked.

I just smiled "That's the same question why don't you hate me, even though you know I'm Naraku's daughter", I said while giggling. "Tch... you are good at making people annoyed," said Kikyo-nee. 

"Hehehe... at least I made you smile again nee-chan", I said while laughing. Kikyo-nee smiled and we laughed together. We both chatted with each other, until... "Are you sure about your final decision?" I asked sadly. 

Kikyo-nee nodded, I sighed "In the end, you will leave me again", I said. Kikyo-nee chuckled "Are you going to take me?", Kikyo asked. 

"If that's a request, I will take you," I said. Kikyo nodded and stood up "okay, see you next time my little Sister", said Kikyo-nee walking away from me. "See you again nee-chan" I answered seeing Kikyo-nee leave.


(Y/n) walked back, she saw Sesshomaru standing in front of the cave waiting for her. (Y/n) approached Sesshomaru, 'why are you standing here?' (Y/n) asked. '

I was waiting for you, why did you take so long to come back' said Sesshomaru. (Y/n) chuckled, 'You're so funny Sesshomaru' said (Y/n) with a chuckle. 

Sesshomaru's face turned red when he heard (Y/n)'s words 's..s..shut up' said Sesshomaru while turning his face away making (Y/n) laugh even more. '

'Okay...okay, we should go inside and rest, thank you for worrying about me,' said (Y/n). Sesshomaru nodded then looked at (Y/n) again 'why did you take so long to come back' asked Sesshomaru. '(chuckles) I met someone special' said (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s answer made Sesshoamru wonder 'who is he?'. 'Hoo... this is the first time I've seen you, curious about who I met', said (Y/n). 'tsk...(somewhat annoyed) tell me who' said Sesshomaru. 

'Hmm... no' said (Y/n) then laughed and ran into the cave. 'Hey... don't run, tell me quickly' said Sesshomaru following (Y/n). 'No, I won't tell' said (Y/n). 

Sesshomaru then picked up (Y/n) and took her somewhere. "S.. Sesshomaru put me down", said (Y/n) trying to get out of Sesshomaru's arms. "No, if you don't tell me, you have to come with me", said Sesshomaru. 

"Huh... I don't want to... I want to rest," said (Y/n). Sesshomaru refused to let go of (Y/n) and took her somewhere. Rin, Jaken, and Aun peeked with one of their eyes open. 

"Jaken-sama, Sesshomaru-sama and (Y/n)-sama where are they going?" Rin asked. "I don't know Rin... it's better if we continue sleeping and leave them alone," said Jaken. Jaken, Rin, and Aun went back to sleep, letting Sesshomaru and (Y/n) go somewhere.

to be continued...

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