Chapter 15

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"So, what now?" I ask when Sunstreaker finally slows down into the hanger.

"We are going somewhere that we can talk." He says through clenched teeth.

"I think I'd rather go take a nap. I was up all night. So were you. We should sleep." I fake a yawn. Hand over my mouth, hoping he buys it.

"You not getting out of this." he says sternly.

"Darn it." I mutter.

Then, without warning, Sunstreaker transforms around me. Next thing I know I'm sitting in his passenger seat. The buckle slides around me and clicks into place. I don't have a chance to be shocked as he guns the gas pedal to the floor, burning rubber out of the hanger. All I can do is hold on for dear life.

"Slow down!" I cry out as we got further away from base.

The RPMs lower, speed climb down, but he is still moving quickly. Clearly trying to get there fast. I might not make it out in one piece. He is not happy with me. I'm sure making him lie to his brother and Ratchet didn't help. Trees and foliage whip past. A scene I always enjoy seeing doesn't make me happy at the moment. All I want to do is crawl into bed and not wake up. I have a bad feeling about this talk. The coconut tree comes closer and closer. I cover my face, afraid he is going to crash, but he slams on his brakes, and we come to a dead stop.

"Get out." He orders, opening the door.

I don't hesitate as the seat belt releases and I stumble out. He transforms next to me as I stand. I keep my back to him, wiping the dirt off me. It's silent for a moment, besides the waves crashing against the shore.

"I think it's time for you to stay away from me." I finally say, breaking the silence with my back still to him.

"Excuse me. That's what you have to say. No explanation for what happened to you and Sideswipe. No reason as to why I had to lie about it. Now you want me to stay away." He goes off, yelling at me.

"I should have kept my distance. So should have you." I say what I've been saying.

"Then why did you let me keep advancing?" He challenged.

"Cause I was stupid. You need to leave me alone now. I only have a slight idea of what happened in there and that only made me realize I should have never got close to you or Sideswipe." I calmly say to him, but I can feel myself ready to break.

"No. No! This is not how you get to end things. You are going to explain to me what happened. Then we are going to go back to make sure Sideswipe is okay." He demands, his shadow looming over me.

"I don't have to explain anything to you. You need to go back to your brother and leave me alone." I whip around, trying to hold back the anger rising in my chest. Why can't he just leave this alone?

"Yes, you do. You owe me that! I can't just walk away. You are my friend. Sideswipe's friend. Don't do this!" His voice breaks.

"Sunstreaker you..."

"No! I know we are your only friends. I know you push everyone away. I know..."

"I'm dead!" I shout over him.

He takes a step back, his optics wide. Trying to process what I just said. My shoulders shrug forward, and I look to the ground.

"What?" He sputters out.

From Within The Sand (Sunstreaker and Sideswipe Bayverse)Where stories live. Discover now