Chapter 9

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"Come on, Sunny. Let's go recharge." I hear Sideswipe whining to his brother behind me.

"I'm not tired." Sunstreaker's husky voice speaks.

"Were you recharging while I was doing training?" Sideswipe asks.

"No." Sunstreaker is short with his response.

"Well, what were you doing?" The silver twin pushes.

"Learning about humans."

"Again? What is with this fascination all of a sudden? Your still not..." Sideswipe stops talking.

I can only assume he chose the conversation to become private. Probably speaking through the mind link I've heard they share. I only hope Sunstreaker keeps our conversation to himself. As well as the location. It's not a private spot, but I don't want anyone else showing up there. A part of me has claimed the cliff and I don't want to share it.

After a few minutes of their silence, I hear a grunt from Sunstreaker and them both skating off. Sideswipe must have finally convinced him to go recharge. It's closing in on midnight now. I'm surprised Sunstreaker stayed this whole time. I'm curious as to why he is watching me still. I never did give him the answers he wanted. Now that he knows that I lied, he will be even more determined to find out all the answers.

The night goes on and the only sound is typing of keys. There is the occasional footsteps of patrol or someone using the bathroom. Optimus rolled in around two am. He simply asked if we've seen anything. When he was told nothing, he transformed and drove out the hangar. I've heard he doesn't recharge very well and he will take early morning drives around base. There is a lot going on in the big guys head. I'm sure it would be difficult to sleep with the weight he must be carrying on his shoulders. I honestly feel bad for him.

0800 comes too quickly after that. The other half of my squad comes to relieve us. They look refreshed and ready to take on the day. I shut down my computer and start to leave to my room. I don't make it too far as Sunstreaker comes skidding around the corner. His wheels screech against the concrete. Most try to ignore it, but Sideswipe looks over at him from where he is training. Sunstreaker comes to a stop in front of me, not giving his brother the time of day. I stop short as his wheels get a little to close.

"Can I help you?" I ask, looking up at him.

He leans over and whispers, "Are you going?"

"To my room, yes." I answer. I know exactly what he is asking, but I find the whole situation humorous.

He scoffs and crosses his arms. "You know what I mean."

"And you don't need to know." I reply. I then try to maneuver around him, but he stays in front, blocking me. He's surprisingly quick on his wheels.

"You are." He states, acting like he knows me.

"Even if I am, please don't follow." I growl.

"What if I do?" His patience running thin. I can see a scowl starting to form.

"I asked you to let it go." I remind him, raising my eyebrow.

He brings his face as close to mine as he can without falling over and whispers, "I'm not going too."

I huff in response. There is no point in arguing with him. I sent him a glare and proceed to leave. He doesn't follow, but he skates out of the hangar. I can hear him transform and it sends a tingle down my spine. Then the sound of wheels hitting the ground and the engine revving high as he takes off. It makes me contemplate going out to the cliff. I know he is going to be there. There is something, maybe a feeling, telling me I should go. A part of me feels Sunstreaker needs this more than I do. I get to my room and don't waste time. In a second, I'm over the cliff. I take a look around. The sun is just starting to get high, and I see it bounce off something shiny a few yards out. The golden gleam gets closer, and I know he saw me this time.

From Within The Sand (Sunstreaker and Sideswipe Bayverse)Where stories live. Discover now