Chapter 7

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I think I finally feel exhausted again for the first time in a while. After a week of holding myself together wherever I go. I'm worn out. It's getting harder and harder to keep up this façade. There haven't been anymore run-ins with Sunstreaker, but he is monitoring me. He has only come out of his and his brother's room a few times. When he is out, he's leaning against the wall, staring at me. I'm getting tired of him watching me. At least he hasn't tried to grab me again, but I'm more paranoid than ever.

Tonight, I'm going out to the cliff. I can't hold off any longer. It's almost like it's calling to me now. Maybe I'll feel rejuvenated once I get out there. I'll have to sneak out of my room. I can't have certain eyes watching me leave. No one can follow me. That doesn't stop me from worrying that he will still show up. I don't know what he does after I retire to my room. All I know is that I can't stand one more night stuck in my room.

My fingers type relentlessly against the keyboard. The minutes ticking by slower than a snail. Only a few more hours left until I can leave. It's all I can think about. The cliff, coconut tree, rock formation. I need the ocean breeze flowing through me. The mist from the waves raining on me. Something that takes me away from this walking nightmare. I need to feel free. At least for now.

It feels like everyone is moving slowly around me. The hands on the clock slowly move forward. Yet my fingers move faster and faster. The feeling of my heart beating rapidly is a phantom in my chest. Nothing makes sense. I feel as if I'm moving at hyper speed. No one is keeping up with me. My eyes move back and forth from my desktop to the clock. I'm trying to focus on work, but my mind won't let me. Time slowly moves towards the end of day. Just under an hour left and I can feel the eyes on me. The same ones that watch me at the same time every day this week.

By the time the clock strikes 1630, I never turned around. I would never give him the satisfaction. Attempting to keep myself relaxed, I lock up my computer. Taking my time is harder than it looks. When I finished, I get up and carefully make my way across the hanger. I do everything I can to not make eye contact. His eyes follow me as I walk. It's unnerving and uncomfortable. I wish he would stop staring at me. As soon as I round the corner, I pick up my pace to get to my room.

"Where are you running off too?" A deep husky voice comes from behind me. His wheels screeching to a halt behind me.

"My room?" I question, turning around, keeping a blank face as I look up at him.

"You're not going to go eat with the other soldiers?" He moves closer, interrogating me.

"I can't go to my room first? Maybe I have to pee." I cross my arms, not liking where this is going.

"You get done with work everyday and go to your room immediately. You then don't leave until work in the morning. The only place to eat is the chowhall at the other side of the base. So how do you eat? Humans need to eat. Don't they?" He bends down to my level. His voice going to a whisper the more he accuses.

"You stalking me, Sunstreaker?" I get as close as I can. I will not let him intimidate me. My nose almost touching his metal face.

"You are not a normal human. There is something different about you." He ignores my question, but backs up a tad.

"None of us are normal. We are all different." I give him a small smile, "I got things to do. Please stop stalking me."

I finish and walk away. He growls lowly behind me. It keeps the smile on my face. I don't want to aggravate him, but this is getting ridiculous. I debate if I should say something to someone. If I do, they may have question why he is harassing me in the first place. That could lead to so many more questions. It could also piss off Sunstreaker more, which in turn could cause him to go off the rails on me. None of the outcomes sound good. I look back over my shoulder before entering my room. He's gone. Not sure where he went, but at least he's not watching me anymore.

From Within The Sand (Sunstreaker and Sideswipe Bayverse)Where stories live. Discover now