Chapter 2

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Morning comes quicker than you'd think. The private besides me fights sleep. I have to nudge him awake every now and then. He gives a small apology every time. The next duty shows up right on time. Shift change is swift and easy, and we leave. My duty partner charges ahead of me. Probably looking forward to sleep. I continue to make my way slowly down the hall. Night duty gets the next day off, then back to regular work the day after that. I'll get to my room, eventually.

I get to the hangar and lean against the wall. The Autobots and soldiers are starting the morning training. Ironhide and Sideswipe going over weapon basics. Bumblebee and Mirage covering stealth. The triplets racing through speed and agility. Then I spot Optimus and his second lieutenant, Jazz, talking with the higher ups. Most likely going over battle strategies. I don't see Ratchet, but he is most likely in the medical bay. He doesn't care much for working with the soldiers or humans in general. Though that doesn't mean he won't help them if needed. I'm sure Wheeljack is in there with him, working on some new contraption. All accounted for, except Mudflap and Skids. They are probably causing trouble somewhere.

I stand there for a moment, watching them work. A few soldiers acknowledged me as they walk past. After a few minutes, I headed to my barracks room. I am lucky enough to have my own room. I'm sure one of these days I'll get a roommate, but for now I relish in the space. I look at my rack. It looks inviting, but that bed hasn't been slept on in ages. One of these days I'm hoping I'll crash. Sadly, I don't think that will happen. I walk over to the desk that sits next to the bed and I sit down. I pull open the drawer and take out a journal and pen. Then I start to write.

After an hour or so of writing, I close the journal and put everything away. Days like these are extremely boring. I debate going out to the cliff, but it's too early. I prefer going closer to sunset. So, I grab a book off my small bookcase, one that is overflowing with books, and grab one I've read a hundred times. I need something to occupy my mind.

Time flies by and I make an appearance outside my room. Making my way out of the hanger, passing the last of training. No one pays me any mind and I head out to the cliff. It's easy to not be seen around here. At least for me it is. Sometimes I feel as though I'm invisible. Though, I'm happy I don't draw attention to myself. It will hurt less when this is all over and we go our separate ways.

The wind blows gently through the grass and leaves. I feel it go straight through me. Taking my breath with it. Any thoughts I have are taken from me and leave me in bliss. I take a seat next to the old tree, leaning my back against it. The waves splash against the shore. A mist showering over me. I lean my head back and stare up at the sky. It's beginning to turn beautiful colors of pinks and purples with yellow and orange. I could watch this all the time.

I stare out over the ocean. The sun creeping closer to the bottom of it. Looking like it's about to fall in. I'm sure it would be a big splash, one that could wake me up from this nightmare I'm in, but sadly I'm very much awake. With a long sigh, I get up and walk to the edge. I gaze down at the small rock formation. With the tides, I'm surprised it's still standing. It brings a sad smile to my face. For no one will ever know it is there. I say my farewell and head back to base.

Not much is happening at base. Patrols are coming back, and most are heading to the mess hall or their rooms for the night. There are a few Autobots hanging out in the hanger. The ones getting back from patrol reporting in. Sideswipe and Mirage seem to be sparring. Until I hear a roar come from Sideswipe. I, along with everyone else, whip their heads around to look. Sideswipe throws a punch at Mirage. Mirage blocks his hit, making Sides only angrier. He moves to punch again, but Mirage uses his anger against him and hits him first.

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