Chapter 8

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"Optimus believes Megatron is building something. The con wouldn't say much. Only Megatron sent them to gather pieces. Wouldn't say what pieces. It could be anything. We need to keep an eye out for any Decepticon activity. I'm sure they will plan to strike again." Major Lennox explains to us.

It's the next morning. All of us soldiers are formed around the platform that has been assembled in the hangar. The ones that were on the mission attempted not to yawn. Most didn't get to sleep until early in the morning. I feel bad for them, yet I envy that they can at least sleep.

"Squad 10, my tech guys. You will be splitting in half. I want eyes on the cameras at all times. We will have day team and night team. Your squad leader will let you know who's on which team. Dismissed." Lennox says, then we all disperse.

My squad stays together, waiting to hear which shift we will be on. They all start talking amongst themselves. Most are hoping for the day shift. I honestly don't care at this point. I want to slip away and go to the cliff. That's all I want right now. I must go tonight. I can't wait anymore. My sergeant starts listing names for the day shift. My name isn't one of them. That means I'm on the night shift. I can use that to my advantage.

"Those on night shift head to the racks. You'll need to switch up your sleep schedule. Be at your computers at 2000 hours. Day shift head to your stations." My sergeant orders.

"Ay, Sergeant." We all shout. Then we head our separate ways.

It's early and there are too many soldiers are moving about for me to sneak out. I prefer to wait until I'm outside the building to jump. I run out aways then jump to the cliff. There are usually no soldiers or bots outside the hangar in the evenings. Makes it easier to not be seen. This time I will have to jump from my room and pray no one is out there. I get into my room and put on my jogging gear. No one is going to stop me this time.

I think of the cliff. The tall, thick coconut tree. The ocean waves hitting the shore. The mist spraying over me. The small rock formation laying at the bottom of it. The next thing I know, I am standing there, looking over the ocean and the breeze rushes through me. I breathe it in and immediately feel rejuvenated. My eyes close for a moment taking in the scent of the salty sea. A smile grows on my face as I finally feel free again. 

"You are a liar." My eyes pop open and I freeze at the unwelcoming voice. "You said you would never go out here because it is dangerous."

My lips feel sewn shut. I never heard him coming. How long was he standing there? This can't be happening. I'm almost afraid to turn around.

"When you got up after falling through my servo. You told me 'You never saw me'. You clearly want to keep this a secret. So much so you let me believe I was crazy." His voice closer than before, "Why?"

I bit my lip and looked over the ocean quickly before turning around.

"Yes, I lied. I have a good reason." I say looking up at him.

"I'm waiting." He crosses his arms.

"I can't tell you. Please you need to forget what you saw and leave me alone." I try to say confidently.

"You fell through my servo. According to my brother, humans don't do that. I can't forget what I saw. You should have died from what I've learned about humans. I've learned far more than I want to about you fleshy things. Humans are disgusting, but none have the ability to survive a 30-foot drop or phase through things or be able to teleport. Autobots nor Decepticons can even do that. Well, there was this one con, haven't seen him in eons. But that's not the point. You can do all that. I need to know why." He's adamant. Not sure how I can get him to let this go.

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