Chapter 18

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Asteria's POV

We sat down reviewing the plan once again.
"Phase 1"
"We meet Erica at the Playground. She'll signal max and Lucas when we're ready."
"Phase 2"
"Max and Aster Bait Vecna, but Aster is in the upside down. He'll go after them, which will put him in the trance."
"Phase 3"
"Me and Eddie draw the bats away" said Dustin.
"4?" Asked Nancy
"We go to Vecna's newly bat-fre lair, and....Flambe" Robin said shaking her bottle.

"Nobody moves to the next phase until we've all copied. No body deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" I asked looking at everyone.
"Got it." Everyone said as we took out leave.

We left the van and went to the trailer park and then to Eddie's trailer.
Steve barged in, and threw his bag down. He was about to climb on the rope but I stopped it.
"Ever heard of Ladies First, Sunshine?" I asked giving my bag to him
He pulled back in surrender.
I grabbed on the rope and climbed down before free falling and landing on my feet.

I did a little show off before grabbing the mouldy mattress.
"Good luck, landing on that." I said pointing the mattress
Steve threw all the bags in which I moved aside.
Soon Steve fell in.
I gave him a hand and pulled him up which made him come so close to my face.
"I'd kiss you right now, Stella" he said
"I'd let you under any normal circumstances." I said pushing him out of the way.
Nancy fell in next, followed by Robin, then Eddie and then finally Dustin.

We exited the trailer about to go out.
Steve stopped mid way to Eddie and Dustin.
"Guys listen, if things start going south,I mean at all, you Abort." He said sternly
"Draw the attention of the bats, keep them busy for a minute or two, we'll take care of Vecna." He said
He might seem a bit of a douche in the outside. But he really cares about them in the inside.

"Don't try to act all cute or be a hero or something, alright?You're just- "
"Decoys" Steve and Dustin said at the same time
I chuckled.
"Don't worry you be the hero, Steve." Dustin said, making the lot of us chuckle
"Absolutely, I mean look at us, we're no heroes." Eddie said

The feeling of this might the last time I see them hit me, I mean things can go south and I might die. Considering I'm connected to Vecna. So I turned around and hugged Eddie.
He pat my back. Then I pulled Dustin into a hug too.
"Hey, you'll be just fine." Dustin whispered.
"Fail safe" I smiled slightly.

"Hey guys" Eddie called out.
"Make him pay." He said as we nodded and started to move.

We started our trek inside the jungle. The thought of losing these people was really getting into my head.
"You think, this will work, Aster?" I heard his voice.
I ignored it and continued behind Steve and the others.
"You're just making fool of yourself. You can't possibly defeat me, aster." He said laughing.
"Shut up. And get lost." I mumbled.

"What did I do?" Steve asked
"Sorry, it's just the mind arguement I've been having with Vecna in my mind." I said.
The three of them looked at me in disbelief.

Third Person POV

"I'm not trying to freak anyone out- buti swear we've seen this tree before." Said Robin unable to suppress her fear. She was tensed to be honest.
"That's impossible." Nancy said stopping with Robin.
"It'd suck, right?" Robin continued to blabber.
"If Vecna destroyed the world...'cause we got lost in the woods." She says
"We're not lost, Robin." Nancy said.

Aster smiled as Robin ran ahead.
"I'd miss that." She mumbled
"Stop with that bullshit. You how scared I am? One bit goes south, it'd put you and Max in fucking danger. You think it's funny?" Steve complained.
"Aw....don't worry my hero. I'm a fighter." I said patting Steve's hair.
"If anything at all, I'll miss your hair, Stevey." Asteria said hugging him from the side.
"I said stoppppp." He whined.
"Okay okay. I'll stop." She smiled in defeat

~My Stella~ •|Steve Harrington X OC|•Where stories live. Discover now