Chapter 13

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I woke up, like a normal person today. I turned around facing away from the light hitting my face. I wanted to sleep longer because I don't know if I'll ever get this kind of sleep again.

But. Why did I sleep so peacefully?

I opened my eyes and groaned at the feeling of light.  But despite that I woke up to see Steve's gorgeous face looking down at me.
"G'mornin?" He asked awkwardly.
"Yeaaaa. Good morning, Aster." I heard Dustin.
It felt like I was on drugs.

Then realisation hit me. I was in Steve Harrington's lap. I sprung up.
"Good morning." I said awkwardly scratching my neck.
"Bet you had a nice sleep." Lucas said with a smirk.
"Actually I did. No nightmares or threats last night. Might be one of the last best sleeps I'll ever get." I said standing up and stretching.

"Way to kill the mood, Denvers." Steve said. I might've taken it overboard but that's the truth.
"Cool" I said with a peace sign.
We sighed and I fell on the couch again as they began reading the docs.
"" Dustin asked.
"Nope. I'm good." I said

He gave me a side eye and Lucas started complaining that there was nothing there to understand. And Steve backed him up.
Dustin, seemed like he understood everything. But when the two boys asked multiple questions he lost it too.

Thats when all our focus went to Max. Who was fully focused on writing.
"Did she sleep?" Dustin asked.
"Would you?" Me and Lucas asked at the same time.
"You did." Dustin pointed me out.
"Henderson, I can only see the dream if I'm asleep. So either way, I got to sleep. Alright?" I snapped before going upstairs.

I was kinda pissed but not really. I went to the bathroom. As I did my job, I heard Nancy and Robin.
"Looks like they came up with something." I mumbled washing my hands
"You think that could save them? Aster? You think that would help you save them all? They're just paying for their past." I heard his voice

I looked up at the mirror panicking. The room was covered in veins. And white dust particles flying around. I looked at my hands which were full of blood. And then I saw him.


His creepy body, fully covered with those huge veins attached to his body.
I gasped as I backed up.
"You can't run away, Aster. Don't you wanna know, why they're joining me? Eventually you'd join me. Don't you wanna know?" He asked

In an instant, memories flashed. Of a building, filled with children. And then a lady, who was similar to myself. Maybe, that's my mom? I looked around. And then the memory changed

There was a man, not my abusive father, but someone else. The were holding a baby, exactly like my pictures. Was that me?

Then it looked like everything went downhill. There were screams, bangs, cries, and then I saw the lady, covered in blood, bones snapped, eyes sucked.
I gasped looking at her.

"You're one mistake that came into this world. And you'll die in my hands. Your times up, Aster." He said as viens creeped over my body.

"! I SAID NO!" I screamed curling my fingers towards him and an unknown source of invisible waves emerged from my hands knocking him off.

The instant he fell into the pool of veins and I was let go, I woke up in the real world .
"Aahhhh!" I screamed trying to figure it out.
"Aster! Aster its me. Steve. Aster!" I heard Steve's voice. I saw my hands, and then at Steve.

Relief washed over me as Steve pulled me into a hug.
I gasped for air as I felt a burning sting in my neck, wrists and ankles
Steve and Dustin helped me stand up.
"Thanks." I said as we made it downstairs.

~My Stella~ •|Steve Harrington X OC|•Where stories live. Discover now