Chapter 11

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I put on the news and sat on the couch. It was a dead student. It's not Chrissy, right?
I felt the tears coming in. I was trembling and shaking. It's not her. It can't be her. Whatever I saw in my dream. It's not real. It cannot be real.

I wiped my tears and brushed my teeth. I put on some black t-shirt, it was Steve's but I don't care. I threw in some high waist jeans and put on my jacket. I put my hair in a pony and grabbed my bag with the walkie and meds.

I know where I to drive off to. I don't care of what they say but they're the only escape I've got. I grabbed a chocolate bar and then drove off.
I didn't bother puting the helmet on. The headache was growing in.

Before I went to the Family videos, I decided to finish the work at cafe. Its only till noon. But I couldn't concentrate in there either. Chrissy eyes. They haunt me.
I found myself shedding tears every now and then..

I took my bike once the shift was over and drove down to the shop. But it was locked. Oh come on! Seriously!
I drove to Dustin's but no clue. And then to Lucas's but yeAh, he hadnt returned back yet.
Mike's out of town too. I didn't know where to go or who to look for. I mean, they arent here, they might be together.

I looked at the door.

I'm sorry Robin. I pulled out one of the hair pins and tried to pick the lock and after a few tries, it worked.
I went in and the place was a mess.  I saw a board filled with names and places.

Maybe they were looking for someone?

I opened the computer and there it was, Lipton? Lovers lake? Really now? I quickly got out and chained the door together before driving off. Loverslake was fucking far. It's in the middle of no where. By the time I get there it's gonna be dark.

After a few hours, I reached the place. The door seemed to be locked.
But, I heard some people talk behind the house so I went in.
Then I saw the curly hair. And then Max and Robin and Steve. I was grateful.

They entered this garage like thing. I went in behind.
"Guys?" I called out causing the four to stumble and scare.
"Aster! The hell are you doing here?"
"Wait, how did you even find us?" Max asked.
"I kinda broke into your shop." I said scratching my neck
Robin and Steve glared at me before telling me we were searching for someone.

So I looked around too. Steve took a paddle and started poking inside the tarp.
"Hey? What are you doing?" I asked.
"He could be in there?" He said.
"You could've just taken the tarp off."
"You do it if you're so brave." He said.
I sighed and pushed him back.

What could possibly go wrong, taking the tarp off?

But yea, it's the opposite

As soon as I took out the tarp, the man sprung on me pointing a sharp bottle edge at my throat and pinned me to the wall.
"Ow shit." I yelped hitting my head in the plank
I felt the tip on my neck threatening to slit through.
"Woah woah woah woah! Eddie! Eddie! It's me! Dustin!" Dustin ran in the front.

Steve was pointing the oar to Eddie who looked like he was desperate to kill me.
"Eddie! This is Aster! And she's cool!" He said.
"Yeah man. I'm cool. Really cool. A hundred percent." I said holding my hands up.

He looked at Steve then who was threatening to hit any time.
"Steve drop that fucking oar." I said
He looked at me and Dustin. Dustin nodded as he threw away the oar.
"What are y'all doing here?" Eddie asked.
"Looking for you!" Dustin said.
"We're here to help you." Robin said.

"These are my friends Eddie. This is Robin, you know from the band. This is Max who never wants to play D&D. And that's Steve. You know Steve. And she's Aster. They mean no harm. We're on your side Eddie. I swear. I swear on my mother. We swear? Right guys?"  He said

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