Chapter 10

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Asteria's POV

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I'm late

For the match. I promised Lucas I'd come and watch. I should've gone with Robin and Dustin. But obviously my ego got ahead of me and rejected his ride. Seriously.

Well, you wouldn't rely on your ex for a ride, right?

Yep. Steve Harrington is officially my ex. We dated for like 5 months. And he had to tell me he's still got feelings for Nancy. Yes. That is after I begged him to tell me why he felt so distant.
If he had feelings for her why me?

It's been a few months I guess since we broke up. I took it hard. Can you blame me? That's my first heartbreak. And my first love. Obviously the universe didn't like me being in a fucking relationship.

I threw my red Lacey corset top, my black leather jacket and black pants.
I wore my black boots and put a slice of bread in my mouth heading out.
I swung my leg over the bike, put the bag on and took off.

The thing is, the group mostly drifted apart. Max and Lucas broke up. Max was in her depression era. Losing Billy got her mostly. Lucas tried sticking together, but he joined the basketball club keeping him away from his friends most the time. Will and I write letters. Mike and Dustin joined Eddie's DnD club.

Robin and Steve still worked at Family videos. I now worked like 2 years ago. Weekends at the daily, week days at the pool or the cafe.
The reason I got so many jobs is because I shouldnt think of him.

That was the happiest 5 months of my life. We roamed around the town. Took poloroids, sang songs, danced, simply sat on the top of car talking about stuff, watched movies, went to carnivals and what not.

Once I got in, I touched up my lip with a balm and ruffled my hair, which I cut in short and decided to keep the straight while most of them had it curled.

"-I like boobies, you like boobies. Vickie likes boobies!" Steve concluded his speech to Robin as they entered the school.
"Look, it's Aster." Robin said as she saw the bike come in.
Steve couldn't actually take his eyes off of her.
The way her hair chocolate brown hair spread out when she took off her helmet, they way she always touched her lip with her lip balm and then ruffled her hair.

He knew her after the ride routine. Each time she does that it gets the best of him. "You still like her." Robin said.
It was true, he didnt know why he'd say that to her. That he still likes Nancy. Yes, Nancy made an impact on living girls. But leaving Aster made more damage to him.

He was hurt when she said let's break it off. It didn't hurt that much when Nancy called their relationship bull shit. Aster always had an effect in him. And he loved the fact that it was only her.

But he let her slip away.

Robin went in with her bandmates. Aster moved in and Steve waited for his date. And they had to end up on the same bench and beside each other.

Maybe this is a sign from the universe they belong together?

Once the speech from the captain was over, Lucas ran over to Aster.
"You better keep yo promise." He said.
"Obviously. I'll be here tonight." She said ruffling his hair.
One thing that mostly kept everyone together was Asteria.

She noticed Robin in the band standing mext to her crush. So she didn't disturb them and left. Maxine smiled at me before going in with her headphones in. She's changed. Normally she'd come up to me, a hug? Or maybe even a few words she'd say.

Mike and Dustin walked away too. I sighed and got on my bike putting the ticket back
Work, here I come.

I drove off to the cafe and started my job as the barista. After Billy's death, since I've spent most the time with Steve, I never got any nightmares. But ever since i moved back to my trailer, something's wrong.

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