Chapter 16

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Third person POV

Then they heard it. The screech.

The two back to back looked around. And found the wierd creatures flying towards them.
Steve quickly grabbed the oars from the abandoned boat and gave one to Aster. Up

The first one came flying towards Aster. She hit it as nostalgia hit her. She remembered hitting the Demogorgan and Demo dogs. Just like she swung the bat, she swung the oar hitting the creatures.

Then she saw Steve being strangled by the creature.
She immediately slid down the creature cutting it's tail with the knife.
The creature shrieked before Asteria was in the air.

Two of the creature held her by the leg as they were taking her somewhere. The other creatures kept biting her flesh off.

Her whole body was covered in blood. She knew about a pound of flesh was gone by now. And that's when she remembers. Her power. If it worked in the upside down with Vecna, it should work here too.

She summoned all her strength to her hands before releasing the invisible weight in her palm in all directions.
The creature's went flying everywhere.

She was falling from mid air. And then finally hit the ground.
"Ah fuck." She mumbled.
She was about be attacked again
But before it could reach her, someone hit it with the oar and It went flying.

She looked up and found Eddie.
"What are you doing here?" She asked as he helped her up.
"Believe me, I've been asking the same questions myself." He said as he put her arm around his shoulder.

"Uh fuck. I'm bleeding like crazy. How much flesh did they even take" she  mumbled
"Well, I'd say about a pound or two. But you look better than ever, don't worry." He said making her chuckle.

Steve most definitely did not like the fact that Eddie and Aster was smiling together. He's been jealous since the moment she was worried for him.

And this was making it worse. His hand on her waist. Which only he should be able to touch and then smiling at some silly joke. He did not like the look of any of this.

"Do you think these bats rabies?" Robin asked.
Aster was now stable enough. So she broke apart from Eddie, as she noticed Steve staring at them.
Before she could listen to what Robin was saying, there were more screech

Aster looked around for an escape plan. And found the woods. She immediately took out running seeing more of them come.
"Guys!" She yelled as Eddie and the others followed her behind.

"I think skull rock should be over here." Aster said as she saw Eddie run near her.
"Great thinking, Denvers. I bet my brains been short circuited" he said.
She chuckled thinking he kept the mood up despite the face that they were running for their life.

"You're funny, Munson. Seriously, we'd be here running for our life. And you're cracking up jokes." She said
"It wasn't intentional." He complained.
As soon as Aster saw the skull rock she slid below it despite the fact that her body hurt like hell.

They watched as the creature go pass them flying

Asteria's POV

"Ok. Yea. That was close." Robin said walking out.
I did too walking forward I looked at my hands. I had my powers again.
Then I saw Steve collapse, before I could move, Nancy was beside him.

I cleared my throat and turned around.
" I take it trouble in paradise?" Eddie asked.
"We...we broke up..Steve said he's still got a thing for her." I said.
"Bullshit. Have you seen the glares he's been giving me everytime I've talked to you? God I'd be dead if looks could kill." He said.

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