8. Homecoming

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Boss's Old Earth - Present day.

D-Day, 6 AM.

Mnemon couldn't help but express his annoyance. "I get that you're excited about your date, but seriously, does it have to be crack-of-dawn early, you jerk?" he remarked, clearly irritated.

The trio found themselves in Boss's homeland, with Mnemon clearly disgruntled by the early hour, not being a morning person himself.

"Ah'ament a mornin' body either, bit if we handle this quickly, we'll hae mair time afterward," Noira explained her reason. "Plus, a'm needin' tae confirm a few hings aboot yer freish body, loue."

"And what might those things be?" Boss asked, interested.

"Simple, ah dinnae waant ony unexpected mishaps," Noira insisted. "Now, do me a favor, sit down and lose the shirt."

"Pretty sure this whole process would be simple by just giving me a new body instead?"

"Ye, loue, ur noo th' literal traivelin Elephant's foot. A'm needin' tae ensure yer freish body kin handle th' current ye, at th' gey least," Noira explained.

Understanding the logic, Boss promptly took a seat and removed his shirt. Noira joined him as she prepared for whatever was to come.

"This micht sting a bawherr. Or tickle-ish... Ah'ament entirely sure," warned the female.

"What do you mean you're not sure? What is this, American healthcare?" Mnemon protested.

" Keek," she said, glancing at the bird perched on Boss's head. " Despite mah powers, this jimmy is noo ████-"

Boss quickly turned around, covering Noira's mouth.

"What are you doing, du verrückte Frau?!?" Boss emphasized each word.

Noira removed his hands, responding with a pout at his reaction.

"C'moan, ye worrywart. Cannae ye see th' censorship ah added up thare? " She pointed at the edited portion of the paragraph. " Ainlie ye 'n' ah kin hear 'n' see that word, na yin else. Sae, calm yer tits."

Boss looked up at the text, and it was true. Like Noira said, the word had been censored. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next time, give me a heads up, please." As if he could age, that stunt Noira just pulled could put him in a nursing home.

"N' lassy yer reaction? nah." She giggled. "Ye ready?"

"Yeah," he took a deep breath, "Ready."

Noira immediately poked him with her arms. Boss scowled; it felt like she took his internal organs, crushed them, and molded them back like toy clay.

"Geez, this trial is heavier than ah thought. Ah mist an' a' praise ye fur regulating yer braun tae control this movin' corpse."

"It's not that bad..." Boss tried to justify.

"Oh, really?" Noira asked mockingly. "Oan yer left."

Boss leaned over to look to his left. And boy, oh boy... Half of Noira's arm had disappeared entirely.

"FYI, A'm noo wey stronger than afore," her arm regenerated in the blink of an eye. "Kinda funny 'n' ironic, honestly," Noira exclaimed as she put her arm back inside his body and continued her work.

"How's so?"

"Keek at us noo; oor roles ur technically reversed."

"I don't think so," Boss shook his head. "You could still kick me back to the Outer Wall if you wanted."

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