2. Morning Shenanigans

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The atmosphere hung heavy with an unsettling stillness, broken sporadically by the hushed exchange between an unlikely pair. Atop a small hill, a colossal demonic figure loomed, surveying the expanse of a once-thriving, fertile plain, now reduced to remnants of his former abode.

"It's been eon since I last graced this soil," he rumbled, his deep Germanic timbre tinged with a hint of nostalgia as memories of his human life flitted like distant phantoms. "My home, now just echoes and dust."

"Look like a fucking dump to me, Boss." chimed in the crow perched on the demon's massive shoulder, their voice an eerie fusion of tones that sliced through the eerie quietude.

"Do try to appreciate the gravity of this moment, Mnemon?" The demon, or the "Boss", shot a sidelong glance at his companion.

"Just look at this dump, Boss. There's nothin' left but a heap of dust. You seriously contemplating retirement right when we finally found your home planet?" The crow prodded, skeptical of their friend's intentions.

Descending the hill, the demon cast a discerning eye over the surrounding forest. "This planet deserves better, Mnemon. A caretaker to watch over its fractured existence."

"Guardian, caretaker, my ass. You're going soft, boomer. But hey, if you're serious, I'm in. As long as we don't stay in one place for too long, you do you, Boss."

"Well, here we are. The starting point of my old and our new journey now," the demon declared, taking a deep breath, a habitual gesture from a past life, despite the absence of a nose. "Building here would take a while, though," he mused to himself, setting the stage for the unfolding chapters of their peculiar odyssey.

"You and your bullshitery DIY," Volktair mumbled, expressing annoyance.

Suddenly, a blip emanated from Boss's pocket. He retrieved his self-made interdimensional phone, a forming frown upon seeing the caller's name. "Scheiße."

"It's Ma, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Nervous as he answered the call. "Ja, Mama. I know... No, I didn't skip work. I did ask for a day off from Dad...Well, I'm currently on my old home planet, Mama... No, no. I 'm fine, really... Yes, I'll come home now. Love you, Ma."

"So... what's the problem?"

"Nothing, it's breakfast time." Boss pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "And we're 15 minutes late."


"Shit, indeed." He sighed aloud as he snapped his fingers.

A shimmering portal materialized, unfolding into Boss's personal chamber. With a swift, he shed his imposing 12-ft demon form to become an 8-ft figure-a blend of ethereal androgyny, with features transcending traditional gender boundaries. Many would misjudge his gender if not for his well-built frame hidden beneath the fabric. Pale, porcelain skin accentuated with platinum hair tied in a ponytail cascading down their back like liquid silver. As for the blindfold, it transformed into a pair of sunglasses. The lenses were surrounded by metal accents that further blocked out light, giving an enclosed look to the face, ensuring others wouldn't make direct eye contact.

Japan - 2010

Upon arrival in his room, Boss hung up his trench coat and jacket before hastily descending the stairs, Mnemon trailing behind. Despite his formidable power, disappointing his parents was not a choice. As they entered the dinning room, his mother greeted them, her gaze a blend of judgment and disappointment, seated beside a table laden with food.

The parental disapproval that doesn't quite boil into anger, just a head-shaking disappointment? Yep, that look was unmistakable.

His mother stood up without a word, walking over to him with open arms. Boss bent down, meeting her embrace with a hug.

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