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(Big Boss, Bossman, Real Jack-of-all-trade, The Boogey's Boogey Man)

Those are the nicknames coined by VoidTech employees, particularly those fortunate enough to collaborate with the founder, often referred to simply as Boss.

Big Boss: It's straightforward—he's the brains behind VoidTech, overseeing and managing all the company's operations.

Bossman: This moniker comes from those who've had the privilege of working with Boss, especially in field operations. Described as exceptionally friendly with an abundance of charisma, Bossman has even garnered a fanatical following, prompting some employees to undergo therapy. In extreme cases, individuals so enthralled by him are subjected to Class 4 Amnestic.

Real Jack-of-all-trades: True to form, Boss excels in almost everything he undertakes, consistently delivering impeccable work.

"Honestly, Bossman could handle all CO7's tasks if he chose to. I once questioned why he created the Convocation of Seven when he's capable of managing everything without compromising internal security. The man just shrugged. Man, what a dick."

- CO7-1

The Boogeyman's Boogeyman: Over time, VoidTech has faced threats from external and internal entities, as well as supernatural forces and unexplained anomalies beyond our understanding. VoidTech's stability can largely be attributed to Boss, who has eliminated numerous threats. Braindance extractions from these continuously reveal instant, seemingly impossible deaths, even for those hidden in bunkers with state-of-the-art defense systems.

Furthermore, the Boss's method of execution is extreme—he leaves no loose ends. His commitment to ensure VoidTech and Earth's safety extends to the extent of being willing to commit global-scale war crimes if it guarantees a better future.

To know more about Boss, his identity and history, Convocation of Seven requested an interview with Boss, which he agreed.



Log #50112-06-10-89

Date and Time: 06/10/1989, 4:00 PM

Location: Chair's Office, Psychology and Parapsychology Section, Site-G5

Context: Interview with Boss

Present: The Administrator, CO7-1

[Note: all the voice was distorted due to information security]



The Administrator: Thanks for dropping in, Boss.

Boss: Guten Abend.

CO7-1: Hello, Boss.

The Administrator: As mentioned, today we will have a brief interview about you, Boss. Just some basic questions, and feel free to skip anything too sensitive.

Boss: Crystal clear.

CO7-1: Starting, you mentioned being a resident of the Dark Multiverse. Can you shed some light on what the Dark Multiverse is?

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