3. Therapy Session

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Before him stood a figure at a gallant height of 5ft5, emanating an enticing tomboyish charm. Her slender physique boasted well-defined muscles, and her untidy bob, with white-tipped strands seamlessly merging into her natural black locks, exuded an edgy allure.

A hooded sports jacket caught the eye, its design splitting down the middle—black melding into purple. Golden zippers and a white spider-shaped pattern adorned the jacket, marking its unique style. Beneath it, a sleeveless black crop top was paired with a short black dress accentuated by purple thigh straps.

Completing her attire was a buckled choker at her collar, fingerless gloves featuring a diamond-shaped opening outlined in purple, and lace-up boots. Loose purple leg warmers, each donning three black belts, added a rebellious touch, accompanied by black net stockings.

But her most arresting feature lay in her eyes—glaring heterochromia. A golden right eye and a purple left one emitting a radiant glow in the dark, framed by miniature pitch-black irises.

"Guid mornin' tae ye, mah dear Monarch," she greeted with warmth as though meeting her most cherished person in the world.

"Could you... turn off your song, please? You're giving me and my friend here ear cancer," Boss remarked, puzzled by the bass-boosted rendition of 'Scottish The Brave' playing in the background as if she were a final boss.

"Sorry lads, Ah left mah theme song running," Noira clapped her hands a few times, and the music ceased. "Thare we gang. Happy?"

"Appreciated. And I would be happier if you wouldn't call me that."

"Whit dae ye mean? Tis yer name—Oh... ." A sudden realization. "Richt, memetic. Sorry about that, mate." Noira clasped her hands in apology.

They both stood in silence, staring for a long moment.

"Na reaction? Na fightin'? Na anythin'?" Noira broke the silence with disappointment.

"Please, this is not a pub. Mama raised a gentleman, not a barbarian."

"Awwww~ sae chivalry's nae deid," the girl remarked.

"Stop messing around and cut straight to the point. What the fuck do you want?"

The tense atmosphere crackled with escalating tension as Mnemon's voice cut through the air, bearing an entirely different energy. In addition, an ominous and unseen aura radiated from the crow, distorting the surroundings like shattering glass. Boss, taken aback by the unexpected shift in Mnemon's tone, attempted to calm his friend. While Boss tried to soothe Mnemon's rising bloodlust, the other girl stepped forward confidently, seemingly unfazed by the crow's intensity.

"What's th' name o' th' crabbit wee guy 'ere, huh, muckle guy?" Noira looked up to Boss.

"Their name is Mnemon." Boss replied.

"Motherfucker git na loue fur foreplay, that's fur sure." Noira laughed at the seething crow.

"Please, stop antagonizing Mnemon, Noira. Tell me why you're here," Boss stressed, his tone firm, extending his palm outward. "And no, I won't fight or play anymore. Our promise ended then. No more debt for you to collect."

"Yoo're reit," she acknowledged, playfully turning her back to the taller figure and skipping a few steps. "Yoo're reit."

"But Ah got mine tae pay back," she added, turning around and tossing an object toward him.

Boss caught the object mid-air. At first glance, it appeared perfectly ordinary—a silver necklace with a gemstone. Yet, the moment Boss laid eyes on the centerpiece, he recognized it instantly.

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