4. The Confession

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"Hold up, you want to... go on a date... with me?" Boss was baffled at every word she asked.

"I call bullshit," Mnemon decided to say. The crow appeared on his head, looked down, and glared at Noira.

"About time you showed up," Noira waved at the crow.

"I know that common norms don't apply to you because of that fucked-up mind inside that little skull of yours. But really? Really? You're asking the man, You see nothing but a chewing toy if not less, to be your fuck buddy?" Mnemon stressed.

"Correction, 'boyfriend'." Noira quoted. "And second, chewing toy? Oh, please, I prefer 'dressed up doll.' It sounds way better.

"Still not the fucking point here!" The crow exclaims.

"Both of you." Boss finally spoke up. "Mnemon, arguing won't do us both a favor." He then pointed at Noira. "And as for you, don't egg him on."

"Aye, aye, love." Noira saluted him.


The two stared at each other in silence.

"I was lonely." Noira took the glass and twisted it, deciding to break the silence. "The feeling when you're at the top of it all. I think you've experienced it, too, right?"

The Boss could only nod because he understood this feeling.

Power and knowledge.

Those were his forte back in the day of Dark Multiverses, and so did the present. He fully understood the feeling that Noira expressed. It was like climbing to the top of a mountain. But when you look down, you see other people still struggling at the foot of the hill. And as for Noira, she doesn't need to climb. She defaults to being on top, even if she decides to do nothing.

When you looked at the mountains around you, you saw only yourself. And when you looked down, you were greeted with all kinds of eyes looking at you. Some admired your achievement. Most looked up and wanted to give up. The rest just feel jealous and pray that you fall down or die alone up there.

"I did consider changing myself to fit in with them. But why alter who I am for those who can't appreciate me?" Noira sighed, contemplating her past. "At that time, I saw only one eye-to-eye with." She glanced at Boss. "But you already know how that story ends," she said mockingly.

"Then you came along."

"I delved into your memories back then and sensed a connection, a resemblance," Noira continued, producing a coin. "You and I are two sides of the same coin. Both were born with power; one wore their heart on their sleeve, while the other chose isolation."

"I could have ended your journey, returned to my slumber, and awaited the day to deal with my troublesome sister."

"No, that seemed selfish, dull, and uninteresting. Snuffing out life and taking yours would deprive me of the potential fun," she mused. "With technology back in our days, all you need is a press of a button or simply making a call."

"Where's the fun in that? Where's the creativity in snuffing out something as fragile as mortal life? Why does it always follow the same mundane path?"

"Then a brilliant idea struck." Noira tossed the coin to Boss, who caught it effortlessly. Holding her head high with both hands, she locked eyes with him. "A truly brilliant idea."

She tilted her head and pointed at Boss with one hand.

"Keeping someone alive."

"Seeing how far a being can push themselves and bend without breaking."

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