Echoes of Solitude

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In shadows deep, our friendship bound,
Four hearts entwined, by fate we're found.
Yet whispers sowed, a seed of doubt,
And soon our harmony gave way to clout.

Misunderstandings, small at first,
Like whispers carried by the gust.
But seeds of doubt, they swiftly grow,
As outside voices start to sow.

They say we're foes, not friends in kind,
Their poison seeping through the mind.
I try to fight, to hold our bond,
But doubts and fears, they soon respond.

At home, a storm, a tempest brews,
My heart weighed down by heavy dues.
In solitude, I seek reprieve,
To mend the tears, and to believe.

I pen my words, a plea for peace,
To mend the rifts, to make them cease.
To my dear friends, I humbly say,
Forgive the darkness that led us astray.

For in the depth of night's embrace,
I see the truth, I seek your grace.
Let's cast aside the lies we've heard,
And reclaim the bond, our friendship stirred.

To you, my dear friends, I extend my hand,
In hopes that we may understand,
That through the storms and darkest night,
Our friendship shines with steadfast light.

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