Moon's Silver Ballet

19 12 8

In the velvet night, the moon takes flight,
A silver orb in the sea of starlight.
Casting shadows on dreams untold,
Its tranquil glow, a story unfold.

A beacon of peace in the midnight sky,
Whispers secrets to those who sigh.
A celestial dancer in cosmic ballet,
Tales of wonder it seems to convey.

Lunar mistress, with a face so serene,
Waxing and waning in rhythms unseen.
Guardian of night, in silvery grace,
Reflecting the sun's enduring embrace.

Mysterious orb, where poets find solace,
A celestial canvas, a nightly promise.
Bathing Earth in a soft, ethereal glow,
The moon, a timeless, luminous show.

Side note: a poem about the moon.

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