Love's loss

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In the garden of love, we once did roam,
Hand in hand, our hearts found a home.
But now the petals of our love have withered,
In this heartbreak, emotions are untethered.

Your absence is a cold, unyielding breeze,
Whispering through the barren, loveless trees.
The memories we shared, now tear me apart,
A shattered love, a broken work of art.

Each night I search the starry sky above,
Hoping to find solace in the stars, my lost love.
But they twinkle with a distant, mocking grace,
A cruel reminder of your warm embrace.

This heartbreak's pain, a relentless tide,
A river of tears I can no longer hide.
In the ruins of our love, I stand alone,
A broken heart, a soul now overthrown.

Yet in the depths of despair, I'll find my way,
Healing the wounds of this dark, lonely day.
For though heartbreak's storm may steal my breath,
In time, I'll find new love, new life, new breath.

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