Masked Melodies

19 14 7

In lively hues, a facade worn bright,
A soul that dances in the vibrant light.
A laughter's melody, a constant song,
Yet within, a silence, a journey prolonged.

A music enthusiast, notes cascade,
Concealing the whispers of a masquerade.
Gossip's allure, a tempting embrace,
Hiding the shadows in a lively space.

Eyes that sparkle, a charismatic gleam,
Yet, in solitude, a reflective stream.
Behind the chatter, a solitude profound,
A masquerade of happiness, tightly bound.

In melodies, a refuge sought,
A sanctuary from the battles fought.
Gossip's chatter, a fleeting mask,
Disguising the questions one dare not ask.

Beneath the rhythm, a silent plea,
For understanding, for empathy.
In the lively dance, a hidden ache,
A soul's lament, a heartache.

So let us listen beyond the cheer,
To the silent whispers, crystal clear.
For in the music and the gossip's sway,
A soul may yearn to share its gray.

notherlily_1908  this one's for ya.

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