Eternal embrace

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In the realm of hearts, love's gentle sway,
A tapestry of emotions in the light of day.
It's a symphony of laughter, a whispered sigh,
A feeling that can make even the strongest cry.

Love's tender touch, a soft and warming breeze,
It binds two souls, puts troubled hearts at ease.
In every smile, in every shared embrace,
Love paints a portrait of grace and endless grace.

It's the spark that ignites the darkest night,
Guiding us through storms, a shining, steadfast light.
Love knows no boundaries, it's a force so divine,
In its embrace, we find our purpose, in every line.

With love, we build bridges, tear down the walls,
It's the sweetest of melodies, the highest of calls.
In every moment, it's a dance, a song, a rhyme,
Love, the eternal, enduring, and most precious time.

So let us cherish love, in all its splendid forms,
A gift that heals, inspires, and forever warms.
In the heart's vast garden, a blooming, fragrant dove,
Love, the essence of life, the purest, endless love.

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