Endless love

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In shadows deep, where love did once reside,
A shattered heart, in sorrow, can't hide.
The echoes of your laughter, now long gone,
In this lonely night, I weep till dawn.

Once a flame, now ashes, cold and gray,
The memories of us, they slowly decay.
A love that once soared, like a bird in flight,
Now lost in the depths of endless night.

Each tear that falls, a piece of my soul,
The ache of heartbreak takes its toll.
But from this pain, I'll find my way,
To heal, to hope, to face a brand-new day.

For heartbreak, though it may tear us apart,
Can also mend, and mend it will, with time's sweet art.
In the wreckage, I'll search for the light,
And piece by piece, I'll rebuild, despite the night.

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