Chapters of trust

18 12 7

In the tapestry of time, five friends entwine,
Bound by laughter, through highs they shine.
Through the twists and turns, their bonds grow strong,
Facing lows together, they can't go wrong.

In the dance of life, they find the beat,
Shared moments of joy, making memories sweet.
Through stormy weather or skies so blue,
Hand in hand, their friendship true.

On this journey, a tapestry of hues,
Each friend brings something unique, they choose.
Through trials and triumphs, side by side,
Together they conquer, on life's thrilling ride.

Side note: this poem is short but sweet(ig) plus shoutout to all my besties hanaonthenet ,Itsher4710 awesomaryam pages_of_april

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